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Flamestar was going to tear NoName's throat out and watch her bleed to death. And the same fate would fall upon Dime, Flare and all of NoName's close friends and family. Even Shadepaw would die- no matter how friendly he tried to act, he was the son of an evil tyrant and he deserved to die.

NoName's entire bloodline will end tonight. A shiver of excitement ran down Flamestar's spine.

The golden she cat unsheathed her claws, flexing them against the ground with a wide grin. NoName had no idea what was coming her way. She raised her paw above NoName's neck, pausing for a moment before bringing her claws down upon the she cat's neck. Her claws tore through skin, slicing through the tender flesh. Blood flew from the wound, splattering onto the ground.

NoName's eyes flew open and she let out a loud cry, jerking away from Flamestar. Dime snapped awake as well, climbing to his paws with a gasp. Flamestar knocked the tom down with a snarl, clawing at his neck. His bowtie unfortunately stood in the way of her claws and after her failed attack, he kicked her off him and turned to NoName.

The red she cat whimpered, a paw feebly covering her neck wound to stop the flow of blood. Her white eyes found Flamestar and she drew her lips back in a snarl. "You'll pay for this!" She yowled, lifting her free paw and pointing it at the golden she cat.

Shadows formed around the red she cat's paw and made their way towards Flamestar but the orange she cat lunged first, once again slicing her claws through the red she cat's throat, much deeper this time. The shadows grew limp around her paws and she let out a terrible wail.

Dime snarled and darted for Flamestar, his claws flying for her face. She dodged to the side with a hiss and lunged for his back, shoving him onto floor. As his body fell onto the ground, his head slammed against a rock protruding through the ground and his body immediately went limp. Flamestar watched him for a few moments longer. He was knocked out cold. She'd sort him out later.

Turning back to NoName, Flamestar saw the red she cat struggling to crawl out of the den. "You're not escaping!" The orange she cat snarled, grabbing the smaller she cat by her tail and dragging her deeper into the den. "You will suffer for everything you have done to us!"

NoName let out small whimpers, tears streaming down her cheeks as she feebly tried to get away from Flamestar. "Don't do this." She begged. "Please."

Flamestar chuckled darkly. The great NoName was begging for her life. How pathetic. "Your death should be long and painful. It is the only way to redeem yourself."

The red she cat let out a loud sob. "P-Please no.." She curled into herself, crying into the blood-soaked ground.

"You're pathetic." Flamestar watched as the red she cat flinched as she took a step toward her cowering figure. "You're unworthy of living!" She placed a paw on NoName's back, flexing her claws. Beneath the thick red fur, she felt small ridges on the skin. Scars. Flamestar bared her teeth and dug her claws into the she cat's back, scoring them over the ridges.

NoName screeched and jerked away from her. "Just stop!" She cried, her white eyes filled with terror. "Stop hurting me!"

Flamestar growled. "Why should I stop?"

NoName didn't reply, she just kept repeating the word, "Stop," over and over again. Her breath came in short, agonised gasps, her flanks heaving unevenly as she steadily grew weaker from blood loss.

"You're crazy. Absolutely bird-brained." Flamestar muttered, resting her claws on NoName's neck and giving her the final killing blow.



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