Chapter 1

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The news of NoName's death spread like wildfire through the camp. Flamestar hadn't even left the den but she could hear the sounds of anxious mews and cries outside.

With a wide, shining grin, Flamestar emerged from NoName's den. The camp was in chaos. Dark Forest warriors were fleeing camp- fear probably taking over as they discovered their leader had died. 

Such cowards. Flamestar shook her head in disdain. So unloyal.

The only cats who remained in camp were NoName's siblings and a few other warriors. They were easily outnumbered by the outburst of prisoners- who had escaped their den- and rounded up into a tight circle. Flamestar smirked as feeble pleas from the evil warriors rose into the air. "Nothing will save you from justice. You will all die as punishment for your crimes!" She yowled, her eyes blazing with anger.

She stalked through the throng of half-starved prisoners, reaching the middle where the Dark Forest cats stood. Strike, Tyler and Flare circled around the outskirts of the tight circle of cats, their wings raised in caution. Flare's yellow eyes reached Flamestar's and the golden she cat snarled. "You! You murdered NoName!"

Flamestar bared her teeth. "And I'm going to murder all of you, too." She scored her claws across the soil. "The Clans will take revenge!" Yowls rose up around her and the clan warriors jeered at the trapped Dark Forest cats, their claws and teeth glinting in the early morning light.

"Not if I kill you first!" Flare lunged straight for Flamestar, her claws flying for her neck. Even in her weakened state, Flamestar darted away easily and swiped as Flare passed her. Her claws caught the winged she cat's shoulder and she shrieked, whirling around to attack her again. As she did so, one of the prisoners leapt on her back, dragging her down onto the ground. From then on, more cats piled onto the golden she cat and soon a large pool of blood formed and Flare's flailing paws went limp, a final yowl of anguish leaving her lips.

Flamestar turned back to the watching Dark Forest cats with a wide smirk. They all wore looks of horror on their faces, even Tyler's usual frown had morphed into a look of terror and grief as he stared at Flare's mauled body.

Strike let out a low growl and crouched down, preparing to lunge for Flamestar, but Tyler quickly grabbed his haunches and held him back. "No! Don't die too!" He cried, his ears flattened as he fixed his blue gaze to Lightclan's new leader.

Flamestar smiled joyfully at the brothers. "No, go on Strike. Try and kill me," she leaned closer towards the black and red tom, "I dare you."

Strike let out a shriek of frustration and flailed his foreclaws at her, but Tyler kept him just far enough away for Flamestar to feel only the wind of his swipes. "Nice try." The orange she cat purred and stepped back. "Cats of the Clans! We are now free from the Dark Forest's reign! NoName is dead and all her family will soon follow. The executions will start soon!" The warriors cheered happily at her words, raising their heads to face the fading stars of Starclan.

"H-hey! What're you doing?!" A screech came from the other side of the crowd. Flamestar craned her neck to see Silvershy dragging Shadepaw by his scruff toward the middle of the group. "Let go of me!" He squirmed in the silver she cat's hold, his eyes widening as he took in the scene before him. "What's going on?" He squeaked.

"Oh Shadepaw." Flamestar murmured. "NoName's son. You deserve a special death." She grinned at the wriggling black tom as he was set down between the other Dark Forest cats. Behind him, Darkpaw, Stormpaw and Bluepaw were carried him and placed beside him.

Her attention was swayed from the new arrivals as a screech ripped through the air behind her. She whirled around just as Dime threw himself onto her back, clawing and biting at her mercilessly. She shrieked and shook him off but he latched back onto her, tearing at her flesh with his claws.

"I won't let you kill anyone else!" He snarled, his teeth biting dangerously close to Flamestar's neck. She felt a flash of fear score through her, but quickly forgot about it when she remembered that she had a whole set of fresh nine lives. Nobody could kill her! She was basically invincible!

Once again she threw Dime off, confidence flowing through her. As the dark furred tom lunged again at her, his green eyes a wild haze of rage, she swiped at his face. Her claws sliced right through both his eyes and a spray of blood splattered on the ground as the tom let out a wail of pain. He stumbled back, clutching his bleeding eyes with his paws. Strike darted to his side, helping the tom to safety behind him at the centre of the Dark Forest circle. Flamestar watched, amused. "That'll keep him entertained until his death."

In her joyfully state, Flamestar didn't notice Shadepaw slip away from the crowd, scrambling through the writhing clan cats and streaming towards the camp exit. She gasped as she saw his tail disappear through the tunnel. "Get him!" She shrieked. "Don't let him escape!"

A throng of yowling warriors pelted after the apprentice. Flamestar growled. If Shadepaw escaped.. He could follow in his mother's pawsteps and destroy the clans forever. She would not let that happen. 

Shadepaw would die.


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