Chapter 6

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"Any news?" Flamestar asked the patrol eagerly as they returned to camp.

"No signs of Shadepaw at all." The patrol leader sighed, hanging her head. "Even the best trackers of our clans cannot find him."

"We have to find him!" Flamestar snarled, her ears back. "We can't let him escape!"

"He's only an apprentice, what harm can he do? He must be miles away by now, I doubt he'll try and come back any time soon." The she cat meowed, resting her tail on Flamestar's shoulder as an act of reassurance.

Flamestar shrugged her tail away. "I want Shadepaw dead!" She hissed, stomping her paws on the ground. "You will find him no matter how long it takes!"

The patrol cats took some uneasy paces back, staring at the orange she cat. "But Flamestar." Blazestream mumbled. "It's impossible."

"It's not impossible!" She growled, her body trembling with anger. "You're just not looking hard enough!" She lifted a forepaw, and swatted at Blazestream. The Smallclan she cat ducked out of the way with a shriek of surprise and Ripplenose darted protectively in front of his clan mate.

"Flamestar calm down!" Silvershy gasped, rushing to Flamestar's side. "Don't hurt them!"

Flamestar whirled around to face her deputy. "They're not even trying to find Shadepaw!"

"But we are." Ripplenose hissed, lashing his tail. "You're just crazy. You need to let go of this obsession with Shadepaw."

Flamestar flattened her ears to the back of her head. "I'll go find him myself then!" Without another word, she stalked out of camp, her tail flicking up dust as she went. She heard Silvershy reassuring the patrol behind her, telling them not to worry.

Her pace quick, Flamestar made it to the border in no time at all. She immediately crossed over, furiously sniffing the air for Shadepaw's scent. She was determined to find the son of NoName and kill him. The search patrols were stupid; they weren't even trying hard enough. Flamestar would find him, she wasn't returning home until she did.

The forest was silent, the only sound being the soft calls from birds in the trees. Flamestar looked up one of the trees, suddenly getting an idea. If she climbed up, she could see more of the landscape. Maybe she'd be able to pinpoint where Shadepaw went.

Without wasting another breath on dawdling, Flamestar swiftly made her way up the nearest tree. She ignored the strain she put on her claws by climbing so hastily, focusing purely on the prospect of finally finding Shadepaw.

Once the orange she cat settled on a branch, she started searching the forest floor for any movements. From where she was, the wind was stronger, tugging on her pelt fiercely. She ignored the angry whistle of the breeze in her ears. She ignored everything that seemed a distraction to finding Shadepaw.

After seeing no signs of the evil apprentice, Flamestar let out a frustrated yowl. "Shadepaw I will find you! I know you're close!" She yelled so loudly, she nearly lost her balance on the branch, quickly shifting her paws to stop herself from plummeting down.

She was so wrapped up in her thoughts, Flamestar did not realise a figure standing before her. When she raised her her, she gaped at the shimmering cat. "Oh!" She examined the cat closely, her eyes guarded. The cat looked like a Starclan cat, their pelt transparent and sparkling. She hoped it was simply a Starclan cat, and not something else.

The cat dipped their head. "Flamestar." They mewed. "I see you're troubled."

"Who are you?" She demanded, her voice stronger this time.

The cat looked at her, it's warm golden eyes seemed to look right through her. With a small mumble of confusion, Flamestar glanced behind her shoulder. There was nothing there. When she turned back, the cat's face was inches from her muzzle. She let out a shriek and stumbled back, fighting to stay balanced on the branch.

"Do you know me?" The cat asked quietly, their pelt growing less transparent, revealing a white and green pelt.

"Skystar!" Flamestar gaped at the she cat. "What are you doing here?"

"You're a bit lost. I felt like showing you the way to your goal." Skystar replied, her tail flicking.

"You know where Shadepaw is? Show me!" Flamestar gasped, her heart fluttering painfully in her chest. "Show me!" She yowled, her amber eyes desperate.

Skystar's head dipped in a slight nod and she leapt from the tree branch, floating down to the ground. Flamestar scrambled after her on the bark of the tree.

Once on the ground, Skystar took off towards a little twolegplace in the distance. Flamestar had to trot to catch up with the she cat.

Everything below this was written mainly by Breezy, because I refuse to accept the fact that Shadepaw gets a happily ever after. He'd be much better dead. Yes I know I'm mean, and evil and everything else, don't point it out.

They circled around the outskirts of the twolegplace, coming to a stop before a particular den. Flamestar felt her fur bristle. Why must we go to twolegplace? She flinched against the loud sounds the area brought. Monsters thundering by, dogs barking until their throats were raw, twolegs constantly moving about the place, making piercing noises wherever they went.

Skystar jumped up onto a ledge protruding out of a twoleg nest. "Look." She mewed simply, beckoning Flamestar to join her on the ledge.

Flamestar leaped up and looked through the window, inside were two twolegs with Shadepaw sitting on one of their laps

"He's happy here." Skystar mummered with her gaze glued to the apprentice. "He has no reason to ever come back to clan territory."

Flamestar looked at Shadepaw, his eyes were closed peacefully and she could tell he was purring. He almost looked.. cute.

"You can stop your quest for vengeance, Flamestar, Shadepaw is at peace with where he is, now you must be to." Skystar touched her nose to Flamestar's and she was back on the tree, wobbling dangerously on the branch once again.

She shook her head to rid herself of the strange feeling inside her. "Ok Skystar, I'll move on, for the good of my clan." She mummered, climbing down the tree and heading back to camp. She didn't look back to see Skystar fade away, a small smile on the green and white she cat's lips.


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