chapter 2

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Chase's POV

chaaaaaasy poo ~! Nickolas said in a sing song voice making me turn in his direction. he statred to crawl over to me in what he thought was a seductive way, there was a good amount of space between us I looled into his eyes and saw what looked lik...LUST?, mischief, i know, but mostly i saw dominance!?!?! I scooched away in horror as far as I could as he crawled from the other side of the limo to me he let out a very powerful growl and said "dont move" im sure it was very close to an alphas' growl. it made me stop dead in my tracks! i whimpered as he made his way over to me,  as soon as he got to me he sat on my lap and was straddling my waist and began to kiss me!?! I tried to g et out of his grip and move as far away from him as possible ,but he put all of his weight including his wolfs on me, he wasn't bone crushing heavy because im also a were. He was still heavy enough to pin me down though, as he was kissing me he fliped me over,(Wow he's strong for an underdeveloped beta! !) I  whimpered even more as I felt him grinding against me I tried grabbing anything but of course that didnt work it just made him even more frustrated with me.

Nickolas's POV

I got on chase's lap and straddled his waist and began to kiss him roughly (this is not my first kiss!  I'm not that  abstinent and innocent kid people thought me to be .) the effects of my growl worked perfectly he obeyed me and stood still until I flipped him over and began to grind my "boner" on his clothed entrance he began clawing at anything he could get to just to get away it made me angry how he wasnt reacting the way I hoped, so I grabbed his clothed manhood in my hand and  squeezed him a bit and heard muffled  moans coming from chase when there was an knock on the window chase began to strugle more but i whispered a little somthing in his ear to calm his violent thrashing,it was one of the other chauffeurs there's about three,  he was asking if we were okay and if we wanted anything from the store I replied with a yes and said that I wanted some sweets that will last a while a water bottle and a bottle of greentea also i ordered then to bring lots of napkins this also made Chase tense up a bit.the windows are tented  and the limo is practicly soundproof so i made it so we stayed in the same position as the chauffeur walked away I continued my teasing.

Narrator's POV

As Chase thrashed around violently trying to escape Nick's teasing he felt Nick's  hot breath going down to his ear his breath hitched and he slightly froze as Nick whispered. . . "I'd be quiet if i were you,you wouldn't want anyone to see you like this would you? " Chase looked at the position he was in and went still and just stayed there entill after about 2 minutes when he felt Nick pulling down his pants Chase tried to keep him from taking his pants but with Nicks beta strength he ripped of his pants and pinned him down chase began to squirm under Nicks weight and  yelped when he felt Nick's clothed hard on grinding on his entrance suffering about 4 to 5 more minutes of Nick's teasing untill the chauffeur came back with Nick's snacks finally the torture could get real heated. So far about an hour had past and the young soon to be beta's teasing is still going on " Wow Chase how many times did you cum,  4 maybe 5 times in a row!?!?! "  after Nicks experimental harassment all his teasing did was make chase sit in a corner on the other side of the limo shifting uncomfortably under his gaze only the slightest glance would make him shiver but it didnt last long, after what seemed like two more hours Nick began to get sleepy and he forgot how much of his wolves dominant power  that his sweets couldnt even help him regain his strength again, with the little strength he had he crawled over to chase sluggishly and got on the chair beside him and looked in Chase's eyes he didnt have to say a word Chase kne w what was wrong he got up for a while to grab a blanket then came back and let him lay on his lap. ( although chases age is 17 he's still like a 2nd father to Nickolas although Nick from time to time shows his dominance and practically rapes Chase. He dosn't do it on purpose he just cant control all of his wolf's dominant power.*Even thought he is naturally not as mischievous as you have witnessed.*

I know it has been forever since I've updated but I have a whole lot of other stories that I am working on so please do not be angry with me for not having my chapters out as fast as they usually would be.

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