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Laurence woke up. He felt incredibly frustrated, he had even kissed aphmau and she still did not love him. UGHHHH. The world is so cruel~ he would never love another like he loves her (but he might love garroth though *wink wink*)
"GET UP LAURENCE WE NEED TO GO DO SOME APHMAU QUESTING" garroth screamed at him from outside the chipped door
"Garroth- I've been thinking..."
"Maybe we should just let aarmau float- I think we shouldn't torture Aaron with our endless love for his girlfriend, we should just leave them alone. Aphmau is probably sick of our love poems and proposals, we need to find some other kind of love.
"But aphmau just texted saying-"
"No buts!"
"I LOVE butts!" Travis strolls into the room
Laurence stares at him disgustedly
"Really travis?"
"As I was just saying," garroth continues "aphmau just texted saying she needs help after breaking up with Aaron!"
Laurence smashes the window (I know, smashing things is garroth's job) and runs to aphmau, katelyn and kawaii chan's house
He sees aphmau with her phone out, recording Laurence and laughing. Then he sees Aaron kissing her.
He swears under his breath and moodily stomps back to his own house on the other side of the street.
He couldn't believe she would do that to him!
"Any luck?" Garroth asks
Laurence sighs. "No it was a prank :/" (poor Laurence!)
"Well at least she doesn't slap you when you look at her butt like katelyn does" sighs travis "mmmm bootay- it hurts a LOT"
"Not the time, travis" garroth glares at him.
"But- I think katelyn may be wooed! I know she is dating Jeffrey and everything but maybe she will break up with him to date me! My fingers as crossed!" He pulls out his fingers which are taped in a crossed position.
Garroth glares at him "DONT UPSET LAURENCE TRAVIS"
"It's okay garroth~Senpai I MEAN GARROTH GAH KAWAII CHAN IS RUBBING OFF ON ME!" Laurence exclaims
"Did- did you just call garroth your Senpai...?" Travis questions "You are messed up man!"

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