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"Heyyy babe!" Laurence opened the door to see Garroth standing there
"What do you want Garroth?"
"We are dating! Couple time!"
"OH for gods sake can we just end this now please"
"But b-"
Laurence slammed the door in Garroths face.
He could hear someone swearing under his breath just outside the door.
He opened the door again
"Oh just go away already, Garroth!"
It was Lucinda
"Umm hi? It's such a... pleasant surprise!" Laurence spluttered in shock
"Listen. Kawaii chan told me what was going on. I understand and I'm sorry I treated you like that. Okay?"
"No. sorry, I- I can't"
"What? Why!?"
"Well you see there are some- complications- I might have- no. I have feelings towards him and I don't want to let this drop. I'm trying to put him down a bit while I figure myself out. Can I call you later? I need someone to talk to."
Lucinda hissed "don't even think about calling me".
Laurence closed the door as Lucinda marched off and sank to the ground, groaning. He had just entirely ruined his chances with Lucinda in case Garroth didn't want to date anymore. After all, Laurence had been a bit too cold when he told him to go away earlier. He decided to call him.

GarranceWhere stories live. Discover now