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Garroths phone rang
"Yea?" Garroth slowly said
"Party. Tonight. Inviting a new girl- she kinda looks like Zane so you gotta help me get them together."
"I swear you've been spending wayyyy too much time with kc lately, aph"
"Oh and her name is abbey BYE!"
"By-" Aphmau hung up
~~~~~the partyyyyy~~~~~
"Hey, I know... can we all play truth or dare?" Katelyn smirked
"Um YES" aphmau squealed "EVERYONE IN A CIRCLE!!"
Garroth slowly crouched down into a free space in between Abbey and Zane
"Here kawaii chan has a random selecter-thingy on kawaii chan's phone!"
The selecter spun
Until it finally landed on travis
"Truth or dare?"
"Kiss Katelyn" someone whispered
"Um NO" Katelyn shouted
"Fine then Katelyn you have to kiss travis AND Laurence"
"Fine I'll kiss travis"
"It HAS to be a long one"
Katelyn hissed "How long"
"A minute. And tongues"
"I'm not that bad Katelyn... am i?"
Katelyn composed herself
"No travis."
And they moved together and pushed themselves towards the other.
"Katelyn..... You've been doing that for at least 8 minutes it is getting boring now. We only said one minute..?"
Katelyn blushed and shoved travis away however she looked pleased with herself.
"Okay next"
"Can I just go home now?" She grumbled
"Fine. Dare."
"I dare you to..."
"I have a good one!"
"Lick Zane face. For a minute."
"Well I don't want anymore kissing and it's not very nice to watch and this is gonna be funny!"
"Fine" abbey said. "But I am never playing this game again I swear"
She pulled down his mask
"Woah... he is so.. handsome..." she whispered "WAIT please tell me I didn't say that!"
"You did!"
And she completed her dare without complaining as Garroth betted she would. Garroth handed a few quid to aphmau then saw that in fact aphmau was very wrong in thinking abbey and Zane were a match made in heaven. They absolutely hated each other; he could tell she only did it to weird him out and p**s him off.
As kawaii chan spun the wheel Zane grabbed a cushion and wiped his face vigorously when he thought no one was watching.
Say truth please say truth aphmau will have paid someone to make us get back together omg that's why we are playing this game no no no NO
"I dare you to go back out with Garroth. And you have to kiss. Also no breaking up until Lucinda believes you are straight. And you can't tell Lucinda about the dare."
"You have to!"
"I'm not gay."
"You are now!"
"Fine okay. I'll do it. IF aphmau will go and confess to Aaron and date him!"
"We got together yesterday Laurence."
"Looks like you aren't single now then! YAYAYAYA KAWAII CHAN IS SOOOOO HAPPYYYY!!!"
(I did two chapters today to make up for not writing for aggeessss so enjoy!)

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