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"Garroth... I'm so sorry!" Laurence was about to do it
"Laurence we've been over this. You are a dick yea yea whatever. It's fine I forgive you!"
"Okay well... I was just wondering... would you like to.. to try being together again?"
Garroth looked genuinely puzzled and shocked "me and you? Again? Are you joking?" Garroth laughed
"N-n-no" Laurence stuttered. It was all going wrong "I mean it"
Garroth stopped laughing "mate I forgive you and all but after all you did to me I know I can't forgive that much. You messed me up man!"
Mate. He had been friend zoned before Garroth even let him down.
Laurence stood up. "See you later, Garroth. I have a meeting at work."
"I thought you said you quit last week?"
Laurence had already gone.

Short chapter because i didn't really know what to put after this point. Thanks for 2k
I did a two chapter publish special to celebrate!
Tysm and make sure to stay reading :D

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