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Laurence was in utter shock
Garroth had literally just kissed him
He dared to meet Garroth's gaze
"W-wha-at?!?" Laurence stuttered
"I'd rather keep you here even if it means kissing you. You are my best friend and I can't live without you." Garroth explained
Laurence blushed "really..?"
Garroth nodded "really. Laurence, we ride together, we die together. And neither of us are dying yet. Okay?"
"Um... okay, but... yea..."
Laurence stared at garroth's deep ocean eyes. He feared that he was actually falling for him. And he didn't really know what to think.
"I know what your thinking. I'm not mad, you're not mad. We can make this a bromance." Garroth stared intently at Laurence who's face was very red. He knew he had gone too far... "sorry Laurence if I'm a bit forward.."
"No.. its fine. Just don't tell anyone else yet, okay?"
"Well duh," garroth replied, his eyes rolling "Neither of us are ready for making it official, I wasn't planning on telling the entire planet!"
Laurence blushed then laughed
He pulled garroth closer.
"I won't take you by surprise like you got me."
And he pushed him away.
"Sorry garroth, i changed my mind on that one, im not kissing you yet."
Garroth laughed
"Don't be sorry"

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