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That was awkward... He could not believe he had actually called garroth garroth~Senpai! That was probably the most embarrassing moment of his life! He knew travis would NEVER stop bringing that up.
He began to cry
Aphmau was treating him like an idiot
She was pranking him left, right and centre
Garroth and travis is would probably stop talking to him
He just said something that he didn't want to and had resulted in travis calling him messed up
They would probably have told Dante by now
Zane was with kawaii chan
Travis had katelyn (they just started dating)
Dante's girlfriend was Nicole
Aaron loves aphmau
And garroth and he were single
And garroth probably hated and was scared of him
He pulled up his sleeves. Each relationship was mentally and now physically scarring
He hated himself
In the end, he wrote a note:
I didn't mean it, it was an accident and I will never love you that way.
I won't ever love anyone.
Garroth picked up the note.
"Go away"
" no Laurence, you can't give up, not yet."
"Watch me. Garroth let's face it, all the girls are taken. Even kawaii chan."
"What are you saying about kawaii chan?"
"It doesn't matter. I can't be bothered with this anymore.
"Lucinda? Cadenza? They are both single!"
"Lucinda is probably asexual and cadenza is in an entirely different country. I give up."
"I LOVE butts!" Travis appears out of nowhere.
"Not the time, travis" garroth glares at him
"So-rry!" Travis says sassily then stalks off into the distance
"No buts or butts. I'm going" Laurence mutters
"Where? Where are you going?" Garroth asks
"There." He points at the stars
"Well will some loving you stop you doing that?" Garroth questions
"Yes... I guess..."
"Brace yourself."
Garroth pulls Laurence closer
"Stay with me bro"
Garroth kisses Laurence quickly then pushes him away
"Umm" Laurence mumbles "well....."
(Thanks for reading!~ if chu follow my Instagram and dm me saying garence fanfic I will follow and spam chu thx!)

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