Mistaken, No More

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They descended the stairs together. Lightning bugs scattered out in front of them, illuminating the darkness with dozens of neon yellow light. Sella stepped a few strides ahead. He had the power to banish them, while the women would potentially kill them.

"Okay, nephew, I'm gonna need you to stop walking all macho and formulate a plan with us because you're putting us on edge." Lilian grabbed him by the back of his shirt collar and tugged him back. He rotated 180° degrees with a confused look.

"All I need to do is zap them. That will take like forty five seconds at the most. They're children inflicted with madness I highly doubt a plan is required. Besides they're locked up in a cage. I'll just zap them between the bars or bones."

His aunt shook her head at his naïveté.

"There's a specific reason they were bound with half-angel, half-human bones. It creates a rift between the realm of angels, or heaven, and the land of humans, otherwise known as earth. The cage isn't a physical cage with bars, it's a place stuck between time and space because these frigging children actually kept getting stronger despite their mother halting their aging process. They'd end up breaking through a physical cage. Not as fast as they would have, but still they're not something to turn your nose up to. "

She put her hands on her hips.

"Why else do you think she's willing to bring multiple people back from the dead for it?"

Her hands fell away fro her hips as she contemplated a strategy to deal with them.

"We should get a few things clear. One, be prepared to defend yourself against creatures that look like children. Two, they most likely are highly prepared for anyone to enter. Possibly even traps. I don't quite know what it looks like in there. I suspect it's just an empty room the size of a college dorm."

She pointed to Charlotte.

"I'm gonna need you to create a fake living Sella."

She pointed to Sella.

"Take off your clothes," she said as she started to riffle through her purse until she came out with a lump of clay stuffed in a napkin.

"I guess so..." Sella answered before staring to strip down in front of them. The young witch averted her attention from him as he tossed his pants to the side.

"Spit on this." Lilian held out the lump clay in front of his face. "Like as much as possible."

He raised an eyebrow before letting a large loogie fall onto the red clay. It darkened with moister.

"More spit. Enough so I can shape this into a little you."

He opened his dry mouth again and let out all there was before waiting for more and letting it out as well. They waited as he spat foamy saliva in her palm.

"This is so gross," Charlotte whined.

"It's only gross if you think it is. I think it's what might save one of us in there." Lilian molded the blood red clay into a little figure that barely appeared to be humanoid.

"Eww that's a horrible job, give that here," the witch snatched it from her before looking at Sella's body. This time strictly for art, a mind frame that bypassed the awkwardness because instead of him being considered naked and holding his junk in his hands, he was nude and the male figure can be art.

After thirty minutes or so, she held a figure that strikingly resembled the monster before her. Sans his genitals, because no matter what art proclaimed, she refused to see his privates.

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