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Another day turned to another night as their journey to reset their tragedy began to approach their final destination. As the encroaching night painted the world a dozen shades of blue, the immortal in charge assured them they were an hour away from their mermaid.

"Give or take thirty minutes," Lilian added as she squinted down the road.

They had taken a few turns down a few obscure dirt roads that eventually led to a few unsavory comments being thrown the driver's way. Which was technically the cognizant bus, but since it was linked to the immortal's memory, the witch focused her irritation on her.

"You have the power to bring a car to life, but not the power to keep us from getting lost?"

Lilian continued to unwrap a spicy beef jerky as unaffected as she could project.

"First of all fledgling, I didn't bring it to life. That's your power. I merely convinced it that it's actually alive. Big difference. At some point it will realize it's actually a bus and go back to being a bus. Hopefully not while it's careening down a highway, but you never can tell when they put two and two together. "

The bus honked existentially.

"Of course, I'm kidding, bus," she comforted, but she later mouthed, "I'm so not kidding it's actually sort of cruel on my part."

It honked in reply, no longer sure of it's existence, but still clinging to the purpose she gave it.

"Meanwhile, you better hope that corndog actually died, otherwise it's holding a serious grudge at its creator and that usually doesn't end well. I mean, look at where we are now."

She pointed at Sella, who was too busy trying to contour his cheekbones to care about their pettiness and magic. Before his mind was altered, he never thought of makeup as soothing. He didn't really think of it at all. Now he couldn't imagine a world where his eyes didn't pop with mascara and his cheekbones didn't well... exist to a viewer. Funny how messing with one's memories can open one up to the possibilities of cosmetics.

"His mother, my sister, is a prime example of what happens when you create something and think, well l can do better. Then toss it in the trash. Though I'm sure my sister isn't that delicious. Though I've yet to try cannibalism. I'm saving that for when I truly go nuts. "

She slowly bit down on Sella's shoulder.

"I'm saving you for the appetizer."

He rolled his eyes as he checked his progress in a compact.

"Fine, just don't mess up my makeup or I'll stab you with an eye brown pencil..."

There a short silence as Charlotte started to giggle.

"That awkward moment when your dialogue is the same as the moment you lost your virginity."

He snapped his compact shut and gave her a sardonic smile.

"At least I lost my virginity. How's it going over there miss I can't conjure a way to get laid? "

Another silence spread as smiles crept up their lips. Despite their pointed words and the constant amount of time on the road they formed a strangely strong bond.

"You can't not become friends on a trip that includes stealing bodes. I say this all the time," Lilian told them and their faces turned incredulous.

"When have you ever said that?" They asked in unison.

"All the time."

Charlotte returned her attention to Sella.

"Oh and Mr. I'm so gay, I can't even remember who I am. I could lose my virginity whenever the hell I want. However, I have zero interest in men, women, and really sex itself. While my brother is attracted to everyone, I'm asexual, because fate is funny that way."

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