Prologue; Last day of fifth year

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My untamed hair was bothering me so much, I kept having to move it from my face. My roommates and I were saying goodbye to our friends from other houses in the courtyard.

I could see my little cousin Lily talking to her friends on the other side of the courtyard, along with my brother Hugo.

"I can't wait for sixth year, I hear it was the best time for our parents" Alice Longbottom, my best friend/sister since our toddler days, said happily.

Ophelia Zabini, best friend since our first year, was playing around with a vial of a potion she made a few hours ago.

"Elia, what is that potion?" Dora Nott, a ravenclaw Half-blood who was ones a student at Beauxbaton, my friend since last year, asked.

"It's called the Morphmangus, Slughorn gave me a potions book with this potion in it. It's a present" Elia said.

"For whom?" Augusta Longbottom, another one of my sisterly best friends.

"Rose" Ophelia said, she held out her vial to me.

"Me? Why?" I ask. She placed the vial in my hand.

"You've been one of my best friends since we started school here. You stepped up for me when I was sorted to Hufflepuff. You became my friend even though our parents hated each other" She said, I smile and hug her.

"What does the potion do?" Dora asked.

"It's supposed to help with you hair, it'll also make you a Metamorphmagus, like Professor Lupin!" Elia exclaimed happily, I smiled. Professer Lupin, or Teddy, was my older cousins long-time boyfriend.

"Did I hear my name?" The blue haired Professor walked over. He was now Professor of Transfiguration.

"Hello, Teddy!" I exclaim. He smiled.

"You lot excited to return home for the holidays?" He asked.

"Yep! I get to visit some distant relatives in America this year" Dora said happily.

"I get to go to France with mum and dad this year!" Augusta exclaimed.

"I'm staying at Rose's most of it, which I'm happy about" Ophelia said.

"I have to go visit my mom's family in Scotland, family ritual for the girls, since I'm turning 16 this summer" Alice said sadly.

"How's Victoire?" I ask.

"She's doing perfect, the big date is coming up. I'm really nervous" Teddy said, pulling out the red velvet box. He opened it and showed it to us.

"It's beautiful, Teddy! She'll love it!" Augusta commented. I smiled. Teddy was always like a big brother to me, so for him to purpose to my cousin and actually become part of the family is amazing.

"What did uncle Bill say when you asked for his permission?" I ask.

"He was rather excited, Fleur was so happy he made me a cake" Bill said. We all know Aunt Fleur made the best cake, she never made it though, only special occasions. She promised for my 16th birthday she would make one for me.

"Wow!" Alice said. We continued to chat to Teddy when I heard the familiar voice of the boy whom I hated.

"Oi, you in trouble Weasel?" Malfoy's voice enturupts Augusta's excitment for Teddy purposing.

"No, Farret. Infact I was talking to Professor Lupin on how many detentions you got this year, one more and you could be off the Quidditch team" I stated.

"As if, Weasel. Oh look, your rats nest is blowing in the wind again" he said, with a smirk.

The wind had picked up and my hair was moving. I growl and glare at the pestering Malfoy boy who I wish I could hex.

He walked away to find his gang. "That little rodent" I said.

"Next year you'll come back way different" Ophelia says. "You'll bound to get pay-back"

I know I well, then I'll get to watch Malfoy fall from his throne...

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