Chapter Four;

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(Ophelia in the media)


Potions, my most favorite class, it so happened to be my first lesson of the day.

I was wide-awake while everyone was tired. Rose was standing next to me, but she was leaning on the counter, she was half asleep.

"Rose, come on you sleeped a full 10 hours" I said, making he stand up right.

"I know, but Lily woke me and Alice up at 6 just so she could show her friends we're Metamorphmagus'" Rose said, still drowzy.

I sigh and grab the bottle of water I carried in my bag and splashed her a bit.

"Okay! I'm awake" She said. Just as Professor Slughorn walked in.

"Hello class, how are you all this morning?" Slughorn asked, they was a chatter about how tired they were. "How much sleep did you get over the summer holidays?"

"I slept everyday" Thomas Finnigan said.

"Very productive, Mr. Finnigan, I suspect your Father was away on work again" Slughorn said.

"As usual" Thomas said.

Class went on, we learnt about the luck potion and another potion that we couldn't say.

"Tomorrow students, we'll be learning about Amortentia, the powerful love potion" Slughorn says. Class is dismissed and me and Rose begin walking to our next lesson.

This year we have all our lessons together which I'm happy since she's my best friend.

"Rose, do you you think that we should go say hello to Snape and Dumbldore?" I ask. She looked at me and noded.

"I forgot we were gonna do that yesterday" she said. We walked to the staircase and walked along the stairs by the walls looking to see if Snape or Dumbldore was in one.

"Miss Weasley, Miss Zabini!" I hear Dumbldore say. We found him in the portrait of Lily Potter (Harry's mum) with Snape.

"Hello, professor!" Rose said happily. I smiled, Lily had a wide smile and Snape was happy, which ever since he found Lily in the paintings has been his only emotion.

"How is Harry?" Lily asks.

"Hard at work. He'll be here today for the DADA lesson" Rose said.

"How are your parents?" Dumbldore asks.

"Mine are fine, tired of work, but fine" I replied.

"Mine are the same. Except mum, she would never be tired of work" Rose comments, we chuckle.

We talk for a minute or so before we have to run to Muggle Studies. We arrive at the class in time.

But sadly, the only seats available were beside Malfoy and Albus. "Oh no" I whisper under my breath.

I sit next to Albus, he said hello which I returned back. But poor Rose had to sit next to Malfoy. Her hair was fire red with yellow/orange tips.

"Hello, Weasel" Malfoy said, smirking.

"Farret" Rose replied with a mad tone.


I sat writing notes. Malfoy was leaning backwards on his chair with his hands behind his head. He was flicking around my ponytail, I was getting annoyed, so I continuesly changed my hair color, but that made him more entertained.

"Don't you have notes to write?" I asked, turning my head, he chuckled and shook his head. I looked at his page, it was already written.

"I read tons of books on Muggles over the summer, Weasel" he said slyly. I huff and go back to writing.

Dominique, or Professor Weasley, was talking about some Muggle war over the world. I never paid attention in Muggle Studies, mum talked about it a lot when I was young so I never really needed this class. But it was either this or Devination, and Professor Trelwarny never like the Granger part of me.

"Miss Weasley?" I hear Dom say. I look up from my paper and see her looking at me.

"Pardon me?" I ask.

"I asked if you knew what Nazi's were" she said.

"Oh, they were an organization of people in the 1920 Muggle world. They believed that one certain Muggle religion, Jews, were evil and began to attack them and execute them or inslave them. But when their Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, committed suicide, the war began to end" I replied.

"Very nice, Miss Weasley, 10 points to Gryffindor but 10 points off for not paying attention" Dom says walking back to the front of the class. "Now that we know everyone knows atleast one thing about the World War II, I expect a essay on it by tomorrow"

The bell dismisses us and we pack up. "Wow, Weasel, you must have changed. You weren't paying attention" Malfoy started.

"Bug off, Farret" I say. I sling my bag on my should and pull Ophelia out of the class. We had one last lesson before lunch, my luck, it was Defense against the dark arts.

Uncle Harry always came on the first lesson of DADA for each year. He talked about the Battle of Hogwarts and what effect it had.

As me and Ophelia walked in I saw Uncle Harry talking to a ghost who looked a lot like uncle George.

"Uncle Harry?" I asked.

"Rose, Ophelia, hello girls" he said, he gave me a hug. I looked at the ghost curiously.

"Hello, I'm Fred" the ghost introduced himself. I stood in shock, Fred Weasley, George's twin brother who died in the battle of Hogwarts.

"Hi, I'm Ophelia Zabini!" Elia said.

"You must be Derek Zabini's sister, we just saw him in the previous lesson" Fred said. He looked at me. "You must be Hermione's girl, you look like her. Got her smile"

"I'm Rose Nymphadora Granger-Weasley" I say.

"Kinda figured Won-Won would marry Hermione" Fred said. He and Harry laughed while me and Opheli looked at each other confused.

"Has Ron never told you about Lavender Brown?" Harry asked.

"Karly and Kara's mother? Why would he tell me about her?" I ask.

"Lavender and your dad used to date, in there fifth year. She called him Won-Won. It was heart-breaking for her when Ron broke up with her in his sleep" Harry explained.

"How sad" Ophelia said.

"Not from my perspective, I could've been born different!" I exclaim. My hair turned Slytherin green, indicating I was going to gag. "I could've been born, just a Weasley"

"What's better about being a Granger-Weasley?" Fred asked.

"Well for one, I'm the daughter of the Minister for Magic, when it comes to Malfoy I can both insult him, and I punched him in our first year" I say.

"It was hilarious, he was saying all the Weasley things that Pure-bloods hate and than went 'you must be a Weasley'" Ophelia said.

"Than I said, 'yes I am, but you see, I'm also a Granger' than punched him, we've been enemies since" I smile.

"Weasel, talking to ghosts oil I see" Malfoy said. My hair turned fire red.

"Well farret, it's my uncle who I never got to meet because of your parent's stupid army!" I exclaim. He glared at me and I glared back.

Albus walked up to meet Fred as well. When the bell rang telling us class was starting we took our seats.

Malfoy was sitting behind me, I was keeping my focus on the front. Malfoy kept flicking bits of parchment at my hair, which last year would stay but this year it falls right out.

"Alright class, it's the first DADA lesson since last year, you all know what that means..

"The story of the war"..

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