Full Witch Weekly Report

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(This isn't a chapter, it's just the report on Rose' change. You may read if you wish ;))

Remember when Harry Potter's best gal pal was in her early years at Hogwarts? And her hair was so bushy that it caused people to tease her? Well that was one of the many things her daughter got.

Rose Granger-Weasley had untamed hair since she was a toddler, and being the daughter of a famous war hero and the Minister for magic means she grew up in the spotlight.

As she starts her sixth year at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and wizardry, her bushy lock are ringlets and she turns Metamorphmagus like her middle name's namesake, Nymphadora.

The teens new look gathered attention as she spent her summer days in the Ministry and on Diagon Alley in London. Her new look impressed all the guys among popularity. Theo Nott Jr was one of the many students to immediatly notice the transformation as his sister Dora Nott was her close friend.

No one knows how Family nemises Scorpius Malfoy feels on her new style. But we did catch up with Ministry assistant Astoria Malfoy. 'I believe her new style is a new beginning for her, with her mother's looks and brain we know she's destined to be very popular in the Wizarding world. I have told my son [Scorpius] many times to stop treating her like his father [Draco] treated The Minister [Hermione] cause one day she'll be more powerful and respected'.

Draco Malfoy also commented on the Granger-Weasley style. 'She reminds me of her mother and Father, if I was smart enough when I was younger I believe that I would've been more alike her [Rose] parents. I do believe my wife is right, she well accomplish many thing weither she has different style or not'

Rose's uncle Harry Potter also commented. 'I remember her moms [Hermione] transformation, in our first year it often got in the way for her. It feels so weird to experience it again, I can expect that it well happen for a long time with generations to come'.

The only way for a new generation to happen is if Rose marries. Many people have speculated that Ronald Weasley, Rose's father, has a line of sutors waiting for her. Such as Lorcan Scamander, son of the grandson of Newt Scamander, or perhaps Trevor Thomas, and old friend of the Golden trio's eldest son who just became the new beater for the Chudley Cannons.

Even though there are many men that Rose could marry in the future, and her new style may have added hundreds of more, she is only going onto 16. We can expect she won't be marrying for quite some time.

All that we can do now, is wait until she gets a boyfriend..

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