Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Case II:

Name: Janice Hudson

Age: 16

Time of death: 10:49 pm

Cause of death: suicide

Janice Hudson was your high school emo. Except she wasn't. She just liked the colour black. She didn't cut herself nor did she worship the devil. She was an average girl with the brand of an emo.

Of course it had to be Catalina Martin who started calling her an emo, who told people she worshiped the devil. But Janice didn't mind. She liked the fact that people were scared of her. It meant that no one could bully her. They were too scared she'd summon the devil to kill them. She always laughed the  ridiculousness of it.

Janice had a great family. She had wonderful parents and a loving sister. But after she started dressing in black, her parents became distant. Her sister still loved her, but her parents did not approve. Just like everyone else, they were scared of her.

There was one guy, however, that was not afraid of her. Her boyfriend, and his name was Daniel Carter. He didn't care what people called her, he just knew that he loved her. And she loved him.

The first time she saw him, she knew he was the one. They had that kind of love. She knew she would marry him. She was happy with him. She had a happy future. A future with filled with kids and a wonderful husband.

So what happened?

Just like every other day Janice had a fight with her parents over her clothes. Although she hated her parents disapproving looks, she didn't hate it enough to want to kill herself. She bared with it. And she had Daniel who helped her through it. They were always saving each other. This time, however, not even he could save her.

She always took the bus to school, but this time her fight with her parents caused her to miss it. So she had to walk. She lived quite far from school and knew she would miss her first lesson. She would have called Daniel, but her parents took her phone away. It took her an hour to reach school. She would have made it earlier, but seeing that she usually doesn't pay attention in the bus, she got a bit lost.

She made it to school at exactly at 9:00. She spent the next 10 minutes in the office explaining why she was so late. Extremely sweaty from the long walk, she walked to the bathroom. There was 5 minutes before the first lesson would end. Not wanting to get caught up with Catalina, she walked to the bathroom a bit faster.

Now she had 2 minutes before the bell would ring. She walked into the bathroom unprepared for what she would see.

Red. Red everywhere. Blood she realised. She thought it was someone who cut themselves and forgot to clean up. But then she looked at the mirror.

"I hate you, Catalina Martin," it read. She started getting frantic. All the cubicles were open, except one which was slightly ajar. She ran to it, pushed it open and then let out a blood curling scream. she was never the same.

She decided to live with Daniel for a while. Her parents just made things worse. For weeks Janice couldn't get Mark out of her head. She tried to forget but she couldn't. When she closed her eyes all she could see was his mangled face and brains splattered across the cubicle. He was beyond recognizable. She only knew it was him because of his glasses.

Something happened to her than day. She snapped. Suddenly, she wasn't so happy with people calling her emo. She cried herself to sleep every night. She stopped eating until she was on the verge of anorexia.

That day in the bathroom, something happened that changed her perspective. She knew a secret that no one could find out about.

A few weeks after finding Mark, she called Daniel. He was at his soccer practice. She wanted to tell him something. Of course when he walked into his room he didn't expect to find her hanging from the ceiling.

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