The infirmary, I really hate this place.

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I woke up gradually with a bright light shining in my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and sat up slowly. I looked around to see where I was and groaned.

"Well, I didn't think my face is that unpleasant!"

I looked towards the voice, startled.
It was Apollo. Him and his grinning face, looking at me mischievously.

"You sure are in a lot of trouble. I mean, I haven't seen my sister that angry in a long time! You sure have a knack for making her angry!" He exclaimed.
I ignored that statement.

I groaned again this time in pain from my sore muscles and my shoulder that was still leaking blood. My clothes had blood and monster dust still on it.
I must've just got in here.

"I'll start to heal your shoulder. It might burn because the poison has to come out." Apollo warned.

I nodded and told him to get on with it.

He lowered his hands on me and started to glow a little bit. His Aura shining from the process of healing me.
I cried out in pain and slumped down on the bed.

"Well you are all healed. I'll bring in Artemis," Apollo's face softened, "she's been through a lot this past millennia. Tread lightly."
Apollo started to walk out of the tent infirmary. He looked back one last time than left.

I sat myself up on the pillows on the infirmary bed, and grimaced in pain. My shoulder was still a little sore from the healing process.

I sat there for awhile when the tent's door flapped and Artemis walked in.

"Hey," she said.

I stared at her for long moment then whispered, "Arty."

She was still by the entrance to the tent and I didn't say anything more. I stared at the beautiful goddess she had become.
She still had her Auburn hair, but it was shorter. She was in her thirteen year old form to match her huntresses ages. Her silvery-yellow eyes glowed with ethereal beauty. But she was still the same women I have loved for all these years.

"Gods damnit, Artemis," I said quietly, "where have you been?"

She laughed and let loose a strangled cry and with tears running down her face she choked out, "Where have you been? I have been looking for you and your soul since you died and disappeared from the underworld. The fates told me you wouldn't be coming back until a certain period of time in the future!"

I laughed and said, "It's kind of complicated."

"Everything is complicated with you."

She walked towards my bed and sat on it.
I held my breath because we hadn't been this close in many years.
She looked at me and whispered, "I have missed you so much Perseus."

I leaned forward and pulled her into my arms. She started to cry even more and laid her head in my shoulder.

I whispered into her ear," I missed you even more."

We sat there for awhile. The embrace was warm and full of love. I sat up against the pillows again with Artemis laying on my chest. I pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head. She let out a sigh and relaxed, shutting her eyes.

I knew that with her by my side everything was going to be okay.

The only problem was the infirmary bed was very uncomfortable for two people. I cursed the infirmary a million times in my head as Artemis fell asleep with one last sigh.

I relaxed into our embrace and soon followed her into a peaceful slumber.

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