All the feels for family!

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I had left Perseus an hour ago. I was on my way to pick up Zoë and Phoebe and drop them off at camp half-blood with the rest of the huntresses.
They had been with Lupa at the wolf house discussing ways to take down some rogue wolves.
They didn't come with the rest of us because they wanted to take down the dangerous wolves, and try to help Lupa.
They didn't know that Perseus was back again. The huntresses and I had been so busy we hadn't updated them in a while.

A little about them is that Phoebe joined the hunt about a century after Zoë did. They were fast friends, best friends even.
Zoë was like a daughter to Perseus and I, but after he died we were filled with sorrow.
I was always glad that Perseus died with part of his family, his daughter.
Zoë was distraught after he died and was even more heartbroken when her hunter partner left, Aiden.
Aiden and Zoë joined at the same time and Perseus saw that they would be good for each other. Perseus had hoped that he himself wouldn't be the only male Zoë could trust; his wishes came true.
Even though they had many arguments, they were always there for each other.
Zoë took a long time to get back up on her feet after the loss of the two most important males in her life.
As a result of the hunters leaving the huntresses, part of the group had a deep sense of loathing for any and all men they came across. Zoë and I included despised men; because we didn't want to get to know men after all the heartbreak.
The only time we didn't hurt men was when they weren't in the proximity of us or it was the anniversary of Perseus dying and the hunters leaving.

When I walked into the wolf house Zoë and Phoebe were zonked out with maps and plans scattered around them. Lupa was nowhere to be seen. I think it was better this way as Lupa wouldn't believe me that Perseus is alive, even if she could smell him on me. Lupa was the kind of wolf where she had to see proof with her eyes and not her smell.
Besides, facing my mother-in-law and telling her my husband and her son is alive is not how I want my day to go.
I will tell her later when Perseus was better and he could go without the Greeks getting suspicious.

As I looked at the snoring Zoë and peaceful Phoebe, I smiled. They always looked more themselves when asleep.
I decided not to wake them and let them sleep.
I snapped my fingers and they flashed to their cabin bunks at Camp Half-Blood.
Before I followed them I left a letter to Lupa explaining where they were and that I was there.
After that was done I pinned it with a conjured jail to the door to the wolf house.
Then I flashed to Camp Half-Blood to talk to Chiron about Perseus, him taking care of the huntresses in out absence, and me leaving on my mission to hunt that monster. Also to face the disbelief Zoë will feel when I tell her that her father is alive and has been for years without us knowing.


When I got back to the camp I started to head to the big house. Zoë and Phoebe would awaken soon and I needed to talk to Chiron before I talked to them.

As I walked towards the big house some demigods stopped what they were doing and stared open-mouthed at me, surprised that Artemis, the maiden goddess, was at Camp Half-Blood. Some of the demigods even bowed once they realized who I was.

Once I was at the big house I saw Chiron with Annabeth, Thalia, and Grover.
They all looked worried.
They didn't hear or see me but Chiron did, I nodded to him and he nodded back.
The demigods and the saytr turned around surprised and immediately bowed.

"There is no need to bow to me. You are Perseus's friends. Any friend of his is a friend of mind. Besides you have been his constant companions since he came here."

They all looked relieved at my words but appeared worried, I answered their unspoken question.
"Perseus is safe, when he was a child he had problems with a double personality because of his wolf form. As he grew up he learned to bond with it and be himself at all times. It seems when Perseus didn't gradually bond with the wolf like he did as a child, the stress of his wolf seeing his mate was too much for his human form."

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