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Steve Rogers wasn't exactly Mr. SmartyPants but he had one of the highest GPA's in his grand high school. He could have a shot at the Ivy League schools, but he planned to enlist in the army after this year, his senior year.

He was walking down the familiar hallway when he heard a voice echo followed by cheering. Tony Stark, along with his huge crowd of 'friends', came veering down the hallway trampling as many students as they could. Their loud hoots and hollers rattled in Steve's brain, causing him to glare at them as they passed by.

Steve hated Tony Stark like night and day. Some days the blond nerd would catch himself staring at how perfect Tony's mouth was when it was laced in a smirk. Some days he wouldn't even let himself be within a 10 foot radius of him which was pretty easy since the only class they had in common was History, opening seating.

As the year dragged on, Tony made himself out to be a real jackass to anyone who was not in his circle. On some days the teacher would get so annoyed with the Stark boy that he'd move him to the very front in an attempt to shut him up. This worked perfect for Steve since he tended to stick to the walls of the classroom. He made it his unofficial official seat in the very back corner of the class. The class was pretty small for an AP History class, but all that meant for Steve Rogers was that he had three open desks next to him.

The semester fluttered by as it should. The occasional fight would break out during lunch, Tony VS some stupid, and probably high, teenager.

The bell rang and Steve already had his blue and red striped planner open, scribbling down the homework assignment hung up on the board. The teacher stood in front trying his best to silence Tony and his small posey of three.

"So it's almost the end of the semester and I've noticed, not just in this class, that a few have been slipping grade wise. I won't call anyone out but after class I will be seeing a couple of you for studying opportunities." He said.

A sigh erupted across the Seniors History class. The teacher just rolled his eyes and continued the lesson on Americas colonization. This was Steve's favorite subject and time period to study. He thought about how cool it was that the Founding Fathers, some of which that fought in the war against Britain, could of thought out a concept that was the American Government. Sure it wasn't perfect, but it was the farthest from a monarchy as they got. Steve knew everything; all the important dates like the Battle Of Yorktown to small facts like how many essays John Jay wrote in the Federalist Papers, 5.

Everything the teacher was talking about, Steve already knew. His eyes wondered off the white board and over to a brunette boy in a leather jacket. His hair was slicked back and Steve could see a rim of a bright white shirt sticking out from the jacket. He was leaned up against the wall and looked like he was pretending to listen. Steve knew he shouldn't stare at Tony, mostly because it would send ideas to people's heads. That's not what Steve wanted. Steve wanted to of course excel in his classes but really, he just wanted to slide by. Go unnoticed.

The afternoon bell chimed, and all the kids suddenly rushed out. The teacher had somehow managed to grab Tony by the collar of his jacket just before he could escape and brought him over to his desk. Everyone was going home so there was no need for Steve to rush. Just as he was about to leave, the teacher called after him. Turning on his heels, he sheepishly walked over next to the desk.

"Mr. Stark you are failing my class, you have been for the past month or so. Now I'm going to have Mr. Rogers-"

"Who?" Tony shot with a raised eyebrow.

"Me?" Steve questioned, he didn't like where this was headed.

"You will be study partners until your grades start to steady, Mr. Stark." The teacher added.

Tony scoffed then turned to face Steve. His eyes instantly grew round as he looked him up and down.

"We'll get on that right away, sir." Tony said as he looked Steve in the eyes.

Tony grabbed Steve's hand and quickly waltzed out of the room. Just as they were about to hit the stairs, Tony pushed Steve up against the wall.

Tony's hot breath oozed from his mouth as he asked, "Where have you been my whole life?"

Steve started to panic as he felt his cheeks heat up at the sudden touch, "I've always been in your class."

"Well a pretty thing like you should speak up, or is this mouth for something different?" Tony asked with lust in his eyes.

Steve squirmed from his grip and quickly bolted down the stairs and out the door. He was breathing pretty heavy, not because he was out of shape but because he's never felt anything like that before.

Gathering himself, Steve started walking home. It wasn't that far so instead of riding his motorcycle there and making a scene, he opted to walking. He made it just outside of the school when a black Cadillac pulled up alongside of him. The window rolled down and out popped Tony's head.

"Hop on in, we have some studying to do."

Star-Spangled Study Sessions // Stony FanficWhere stories live. Discover now