Chapter 8

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"Well Mr. Stark I'm happy to report, you've passed my class with an 87. Congratulations." The teacher said turning to give Tony a fake smile.

"Couldn't of done it without my lovely study-buddy," He said clicking the side of his cheek.

Class had been dismissed and it was only the two boys and the teacher standing in the room. Steve's hands were glued to his backpack straps as he swayed awkwardly from side to side. Tony turned on his heels and locked arms with Steve as they exited the room.

"This doesn't really feel like the last day," Steve said watching the marble floor beneath him.

"Ah it does for me! I get to go home and relax until my father forces me to apply to a college he chose." Tony sighed pressing the back of Steve hand to his lips.

"Yeah...about that..." Steve trailed off.

Tony's brain froze over and his lips stayed shut, he knew what Steve was about to say.

"My DEP is almost up. I'm going to be going to Basic Training soon and then..." Steve didn't have the heart to continue his sentence because he knew Tony knew.

Tony's pace started to slow down just a bit as he processed the information. "Steve?"


"I don't want to worry your mom at all but would you please stay with me until you leave?" Tony said, making himself smile to try and force down the rocks forming in his throat.

"Yeah, yeah, of course. I'll tell her when I get home after my shift." Steve said squeezing Tony's hand as they exited the building.

The sun shown bright and felt like happiness loosing it's stick. The couple piled into the car and Tony began to feel himself again as this news settled into his bones. He turned on his music and gave Steve a comforting smile, a real one. He dropped Steve off at home and watched him walk into the house. As soon as Steve had closed the door, Tony felt tears welt in his eyes. He drove away so it didn't look suspicious, he didn't want to sway the blond's mind. He knew why Steve wanted to enlist, and serving your country is a noble thing to do, but anything could happen over there. With just one shot, Steve could be-

Tony cut his trail of thought off. The waterworks made it hard for him to see so he decided if he was to cry, it'd be at home. He cranked his music up to see if that could drowned out his thoughts. He pulled into the lonely garage and ran to his room, he could feel the tears again. Without a second thought, the unbreakable, bad-boy image Tony had built for himself, shattered in the misted of bed sheets and pillows. His breathing was no longer of his concern, only the fact that for once, he'd be alone. Tony had worked so hard his entire life to become a people person, to thrive off of others and be the center of attention. His parents, always gone on foreign affairs and business trips. His friends, soon all headed off to college. His best friend, his boyfriend, going off to potentially never be seen again. Everything hurt, so much.


Steve sat behind the desk, trying really hard to focus on his book. He just couldn't do it. No matter how hard he tried, his mind resorted back to Tony, his beautiful mess. For years, Steve floated by as a loner. He was one to watch from afar while people like Tony thrived in public. He never liked crowds and never bothered to make friends because no one could hurt you when you were alone. Or so he thought. Tony was like a star to him. He could watch him shine but never be close enough to reach it. But now that Tony is his universe, how do you leave it behind? He questioned for years if his life really meant anything, but now that he found a real meaning, he was going away.

"Steve?" Natasha asked poking Steve with a ruler.

Steve jumped and quickly locked eyes with her, "yeah, I'm all thought.."

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