Chapter 1

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"I don't think if this is what the teacher meant by 'studying'," Steve said as he examined the burger sitting in front of him.

The bad boy across from him smirked, "Sure it is! Can expect me to learn unless dates on an empty stomach-"

"They're not useless!" Steve defended shooting daggers at Tony.

The brunette had taken Steve to a small diner not too far from his house. It was 50's themed with red booths and checkered floors. There was a bar in the middle with thick silver and red strips running horizontal. Circular lamps hung from the ceiling above the bar. Of course, Steve chose a booth in the very back of the entire diner.

"Okay calm down big fella, it's only a joke!" Tony chuckled as he leaned forward.

Steve suddenly noticed how close Tony was getting and darted his eyes to his phone suddenly finding the 'No Notifications' very interesting. Tony laughed which caused Steve to look up in confusion.

"I'm not going to hurt you! Sorry if I came on a bit too strong," Tony smirked.

"A bit?" Steve snapped sarcastically.

Tony's smiled expanded as he popped a fry into his mouth. He leaned both elbows on the table and folded his hands so his head could rest on top, "So tell me your interests."

"What are we on? A date?" Steve asked at the sudden generic statement.

"Well if that's what you want to call it."

"I-...uh...n-...." Steve paused and gave up. "I go to the gym a lot so you could say that's a hobby."

"Ooo I could tell," Tony said eyeballing Steve's biceps.

"Um I love History, especially US. Hence why I signed up for the AP class." Steve continued.

'So that's why he defensive,' Tony thought.

"I like to read a lot...I get really confused sometimes with technology...uh- I love to draw! I've been in the schools art program for all four years.."

Steve suddenly felt awkward just talking about himself so he mimicked Tony's actions and asked him what his hobbies were.

"I like to use my hands," Tony said moving his fingers around. Steve stirred in his seat a little, "I invent things. Basically."

Steve smiled and asked, "Well what have you invented Mr. Edison?"


"Nothing just continue," Steve said in defeat.

"Ah well small things, yanno. I have a robot, JARVIS, als-"

"I'm sorry, you have a what?" Steve blinked.

"A robot. Named JARVIS." Tony repeated.

"Like an actual robot?" Steve said planting his hands on the table rim. There was no way Tony was serious about having an actual robot.

"Kinda. He's a robot technically but he has no physical form, see he's in the walls-"

"Okay," Steve said starting to slide out of the booth. "You're insane and I have no idea what I'm doing here. I would love to help you actually study, not be your play toy-"

Tony quickly grabbed ahold of Steve's wrist, "No."

Steve looked into Tony's eyes and for once they weren't glazed over or void of any other emotion except greed. He sighed and sat back down again in the bouncy red seat.

"You wanna see my robot?" Tony asked.

Steve met his gaze and said, "Yes."


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