Chapter 7

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Steve sat in the circular desk, his eyes following line by line of the thick book that rested on the white marble counter. He was so deep into the book that he didn't realize a customer had walked in and was standing in front of him. The person cleared their throat and snapped Steve back into reality.

"Uh-oh-oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I just got..kinda..lost-um so what are you looking for?" Steve stumbled while trying to find a bookmark to mark his page. He found a piece of paper on the counter and slid it in between the pages. Finally looking up at the person, they were tall. A boy with brown hair wrapped messily in a bun. He wore a loose blue hoodie and jeans. His eyes were a sharp blue and his hands stayed planted in his pockets.

"Uh, yeah. Could you point me to the History section?" He said.

"Sure!" Steve said hopping up and making sure the boy was following him. He stopped right in front of the swinging green sign. "Right here, and if there's anything else you need, feel free to ask!"

Steve trotted back to the desk and sat back down in his swivel chair. A sudden thought popped into his head and he grinned. He was remembering last week: prom.

"Tony? The dance started 20 minutes ago," Steve said.

"I'm well aware, did you not learn anything from the last party we went to?" He asked smiling.

"I hate you so much," Steve grinned.

"Aw, I love you too Captain!" Tony said taking Steve's hand and kissing it.

Both men walked hand and hand into the venue. Steve instantly heard the loud music and tensed just out of habit. Tony felt this and walked a little closer to his boyfriend, squeezing his hand lightly and trying to make him feel as comfortable as he could. Tony already knew his friends would try and carry him away but he made sure wherever he went, Steve followed. The couple entered the main dance floor as immediately was greeted with familiar faces. Steve let Tony do all the talking, as these were his friends.

The rest of the night was a complete blur between the semi-decent snacks and the constant movement. Finally Tony dragged Steve to the dance floor when a slow song came on. The DJ played some overused Ed Sheeran song and both men laughed.

"It's not Madonna, but it'll do." Tony decided.

The couple didn't get to show off their incredible dancing skills, but the swaying back and forth was intimate enough. Tony's head was soon resting on Steve's shoulder, sneaking kisses every so often.

"I love you, Steve." Tony said.

"I love you too Tony," Steve mumbled to himself.

"What?" The boy in the blue sweatshirt said.

He had handed Steve the red book with the black star he'd found earlier along with some History textbooks. Steve's focus shot to the boy and instantly he felt embarrassed.

"I am SO sorry-uh-I was-um- off in my own little world. Sorry again, I'll check these out for you," Steve said completely taking the books and rushing to scan them.

The boy grinned and watched Steve fumbled with a couple of them. Steve messily stamped each book and put them in a bag for the boy. With a semi-shaky hand, he handed the bag to the boy, "Have a nice day!"

"You too." The boy called out as he left the store.

As soon as the boy was out of view, Steve spun around and threw his hands in his face. He stood up and threw his arms in the air.

"How? Why? Why would I say that out loud???" He said taking to himself.

"I don't know but whoever this 'Tony' is seems like a lucky guy," Natasha said a row away.

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