Chapter 9

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Steve had absolutely no idea where he was going. After he'd packed his things and gotten in a black car with the man, he'd lost all sense of awareness. The ride seemed the drag on forever and where he sat, there were no windows. The only light that was show was from street lights shining in through the drivers front window. Dead silence filled the car, leaving Steve's only actions where to think. And, boy, was that a difficult thing to do in his position.


"Steve? Steve?! Are you okay?" The mans voice said.

Steve's eyes rolled open, his body dripping with sweat. He was strapped onto a table, and the group of scientists gathered around. He cleared his throat, a little dry.

"Hey," He managed.

The team unbuckled him from the table and his body suddenly felt like a million weights. He felt a tad bit taller than what he was but most of all, exhausted.

"You did good kid, you did good." Dr. E, the man who asked Steve to do this, said.

'Just think. In a couple weeks I'll be on the front lines.' Steve though as the team lead him to his sleeping quarters.

He closed his eyes and his last thought a before lulling to sleep was of the light of his life, Tony Stark.

(At the same time over in the Stark family home.)

"Tony? Honey? You've been in there for three days, I think you should sleep in your room tonight." His mothers voice said from outside a locked metal door.

Tony sat hunched over at his desk, screwing away. He didn't respond, he just kept silent as he heard her footsteps walk away from the door. All of a sudden from across the room, Tony heard his phone ring. He dropped everything and hoped that it was Steve. He checked the caller ID and it was not a number his phone recognized. He picked up just to see who it was.

"Tony? Hey, sorry if it's too late but it's Steve's mom and I have something over here you might want." She said.

Tony paused. "Yeah, can I come over now?"

She was quick to reply with, "certainly."

Tony didn't bother cleaning his greasy self off, he grabbed the lab and his car keys and left. His father tried to follow after him, demanding to know where he was going at midnight, but Tony didn't answer. He checked the mirror and quickly backed out, whatever his mom had of Steve's, Tony wanted.

His car pulled up and he saw the garage light on. Steve's mom stood in the dim, flickering light trying to not stare at Tony as he walked up.

"He-um-had this. I don't know if you'd want it but he won't be back....for a while, as I was...informed...not until the war is over.." She said. She pointed to a red tool box perched on a desk, opened like Steve had just used it. Tony walked over and peered inside. Nothing in it was extremely special, but it meant everything to Tony. He closed it and took it in his hands.

"Thank you ma'am," He said.

"Oh and uh-would you like to come inside?" She asked.

Tony could see the bags under her eyes and her pale complexion. She didn't look old but definitely aged since he saw her last. "Of course," He said before she lead him inside.

The interior was familiar, the same tan carpet and brown furniture. She asked if he wanted anything to drink and ended up making big of them some coffee.

"I know it's so late, but I can't seem to sleep..." She said staring as the coffee drilled into the pot.

"Me either..." Tony admitted.

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