Past Stays in the Past

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~this is basically a part 2 .....I guess???~

I slamed the door and locked it then looked around for a way to escape. "Hey over here" someone said and I saw a dark shadowy outline of a man. He opened the window and Tim hopped over to him and Sam rolled behind him. I heard my door being banged on so I just followed them out the window. They finally broke through right as I was exiting put the shadowy man pulled me through quickly and slammed the window shut. "Follow me" he said in a whispery voice and pulled me along behind him. We ran across the roof and stopped at the edge. "Give me the girl" the man said behind us. We looked back to see him not far behind and started to raise his gun at us. "No...she isn't going with you!" the other said holding onto my hand tightly. "Well to bad she's..." he said when another gun shot was heard but this time the man in front of us fell. I felt as I was about to scream but it wouldn't come out. We both looked up to see Wilfred there holding his mini gold gun. He ran up to me and hugged me then stood up "thanks Shadow" he said then picked me up "no problem Wilfred..." he said and smiled slightly and walked away. "Bye Shadow" I said and he turned around and smiled then dissappeared.

"Wilfred..." I said and started to remember earlier and tears started to form. "What's the matter?" he asked as he climbed through the window with me and we sat on the bed. He wiped the tears that just began to fall "They.....they k-killed Anti a-and Dark...." I said sniffiling a bit. "Oh kiddo they didnt die" he said and I looked up at him in confustion. "W-what!?" I said "they arn't dead little one" he repeated and gave me a small smile. "But how!?" I said slightly louder. "They're demons sweet heart they can't die normally like humans do. But they can die no one is immortal that I know of besides the Angels and Demons but I soon found out they can die as we." he explained. "But they were Mommy and Daddy...." I repeated and he looked at me then shook his head "They can't die by getting shot..does that make more sense" he asked and I nodded. "Now lets go wake them up.......idiots scaring a kid like that" he said but mummbling the last part. He took my hand and we both walked downstairs to see Dark and Anti laying on the ground covered in blood which scared me so I his behind Wilfred. As we approached them and memories of my dad laying on the ground with a knife in his chest came back to me. Wilfred let go of my hand but continued to walk up to them but I froze in place. "Remember they aren't dead just sleeping..." he said and stood over Dark's body. "Can you two wake up your scaring Morrigan for fuck sake." he yelled at them but they made no sudden movement. "My goodness" he said annoyed and then kicked Dark in the ribs. Dark immediately flinched and held his chest as he rolled to his side. "You asshole!" he shouted and boy started to fill me. I ran over to Anti and shook him but he didn't move. I shook him again this time his face twitched. "Anti get up or I'll kick you in the ribs too!" Wilfred shouted and Anti opened his eyes. "Fine......fine....I'm up!" he said as sat up and looked at me then gave me a small smile. I gave him a joyful grin and stood up. It was a cheerful time for me till a loud 'thud' was heard from behind me. I looked around to see Wilfred on the ground and Dark standing there glaring at him as well as holding his chest where Wilfred kicked him. I looked back at Wilfred to see him get up while holding his hand against his cheek "that's what you get for kicking me in the ribs...." he hissed in anger then walked up to his room. I looked at anti and he just stare at the scene that just happened.

I walked up the stairs and saw a red light coming from Darks room. I knew that was just his red lamp that he had and the color wasn't really bright so he liked it. I didn't want to get in troble but I walked over to his room. I peeked in to see him examining a large bruise that appeared where Wilfred kicked him. I felt bad but left so I didn't bother him. "You don't need to feel bad Morrigan I'm fine...just hurts a little." Dark said and I spun around to see him leaning against the wall behind me in the hallway. "Oh..I just felt so cause he hurt you..." I said and looked down. He smiled slightly then walked up to me to place his hand on my shoulder "I'm fine....but
...thanks for caring about me." he said to cheer me up. I smiled and jumped up to hug his neck which surprised him a bit but soon hugged me back. "Now go play Anti will get you when lunch is ready". I nodded and ran off to my room to play with Sam and Tim.

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