Later in Life

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~10 Years Later~

I sat on my computer watching Marks newest video "Chef Dog". After I finished it I got up and walked down the stairs to see Dark on the couch. "Dark can I go into town to..." I asked but before I could finished he replied "No!". I sighed and walked away back to my room and flopped onto my bed. I let out a load sigh then rolled over. I looked over at the window it was a bright sunny day with the bird's singing. I got up and put my converse then snuck out to the hallway. I noticed Darks door was opened so I crept over to see him sleeping. I gave a sigh of relief and went down stairs. Anti was no where in sight neither was Wilfred so that confused me. I walked over to the front door and heard something. I turned around to see someone coming from the back door so I ran out and shut it quickly, but quietly. I turned around to see a beautiful sky and people....actual people! I ran down the steps to my home and a woman waved to me and smiled. I hesitated bit the did the same back. I pulled my bag that I had on up my shoulder and walked down the street. I continued down and saw a few kids that waved to me and I kept doing the same thing back. I also saw a lovely old couple and a few other younger couples' as well. I stopped at a bus stop to look at the map and I walked 3 miles from my house. I thought I was being stared at so I looked around to see two men or three but the other wasn't easy to see. They just stared at me with smirks across their faces which made me very uncomfortable so I walked more down the street. I walked and walked more and more fasinated by everything that Dark,Anti,and Wilfred tried to hide from me.

Well less Wilfred because he always said go ahead but then Dark or Anti said "No!"!

I looked around and saw a road that was familier so I walked down it. As I was walking I looked at my map and out of nowhere someone bumped into me. I looked up to see a boy a little older than my age.

(about 17-19 I say 18 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
just a FYI...oh of no one added +10 years to my previous age I'm 16)

"Oh! Sorry I'm just looking around I'm just new and....uhh......looking for my uncle...." I stuttered.

(d-d-d-d-did I stutter stutter......sorry I felt the need to......) (oh and that's part of Stutter by Marianas Trench - sorry if it's spelled wrong T-T it's a great band)

He smiled and laughted a little "well do you need help" he asked shyly while I stared at him with a straight face. He wasn't bad looking he had nice brown hair with blond streaks in his bangs with nice icey blue eyes. "I think I got it but thank you" I said and walked away and left him frowning. As I walked down the street I started feeling bad but continued on my way. I stopped for a second and up a different voice came out of no where. "MORRIGAN!" I heard and looked up to see Mark waving at me from his door step "No wonder this place is familier!!" I thought and ran up to him and gave him a huge hug as I yelled in joy "UNCLE MARK!!!". We went inside and played a few games and then he recored a video with him. After he uploaded it I watch it of me and him playing Gang Beast. I laughted as he failed at times and he started laughing to as he watched from over my shoulder. "Want some pizza!" he said and I nodded.

After he was done he walked up to me and asked me "why for you come over just wondering..." I looked down then up to him "Well actually I just went out to explore and I ended up coming to your house...I was also winding why this was so familier too. It's also been forever since I saw you too so I'm happy!" I awnsered and he smiled. I leaned back and remembered when I was 8 i went with Mark over to a friends house who was named ... Mattias...yeah Mattias I also heard they had a little girl named Luna.

After a few minutes I looked through my apps and saw the app that I write story's on. I then remembered I haven't updated anything for 4-5 days. "SHOOT!" I accsadently yelled and Mark popped his head in "Whats wrong!?" he asked and I spun around to look at him. "Nothing I just haven't updated my stories in awhile so...I'll be working on those." I said going on and started to write. "Ok" Mark said in the distants and then I heard his footsteps go upstairs and fade.

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