All I know was that I wasn't prepared at all to hear any news.
I closed my eyes tightly as did Ethan, we heard the doctor let out a sigh as he directed us to a different area and to a different room.
The second we entered the room, I realized it was Aspen.
Tears fell down my face as a struggled sob left my mouth, as Ethan had the most distraught face I had ever seen.
That was the day we all wouldn't forget.
That was the day Aspen Lawley died.
"I just.. show me a sign that you can hear me.." I pleaded, a tear slipping down my cheek.
Minutes went by as I sat on the porch, as if expecting something to actually happen.
A few more tears slipped down my cheek, and before I knew it I was sobbing once again.
I felt my phone vibrate on my lap, I wiped my tears and opened my phone to see I had a new message.
I wasn't sure I even wanted to look at it, expecting it to be from that mystery person again, but I did anyways.
I heard you. I miss you too. - A
"Most people here today are wondering what they're going to be doing for the rest of their lives, some already know, and then there are the few that have no clue what they'll be doing in the next four years." I spoke, looking out into the audience of students, all of their eyes focused on me.
"The thing is though, the world expects results from everyone now, high school was just the beginning of a new life for everyone out there." I smiled, looking at Ethan then at the rest of the students.
"Sure it may seem scary now, but guys we can do this, yes, maybe there was mistakes during the four years we've all been here, but now it all doesn't matter anymore." I let out a sigh, feeling the stress exit my body.
Yes, the Grayson Dolan was giving a speech on stage about graduating high school.
Most people would never expect someone like myself to be up here, most expected someone like Ethan, but they chose me instead.
"This is our time to shine, to show everyone what we've got to become successful and live our lives the way we want to, and I know we can do it." I smiled, stepping down from the microphone and walking down the steps to sit down next to Ethan.
We watched as our principle walked up the stairs and onto the stage as he began calling names to come grab their diplomas.
To think only a year ago so much happened, thankfully Ethan and I were now out of therapy.
We also found out that Mackenzie was behind the mysterious threatening text messages, once we did her parents decided it was best that she was sent to a camp to help her.
There was just one thing that still continued to bother me, the fact that we were all here and Aspen wasn't.
She wasn't here to graduate with us and her senior class, her family and friends, nobody.
I felt a nudge in my side, seeing Ethan looking at me with a concerned look in his eye.
"You know she would be proud of you, you did great buddy." He smiled softly, patting my back as I let out a sigh.

Dolan Bullies
Fanfiction*WARNING* *if you cannot handle reading things that deal with depression, cutting or suicide, I don't recommend this book.* •••• Aspen Lawley wasn't your typical famous internet star, she actually was the opposite. You might know her brother though...