I was sitting in the house, listening to Jc talk about pointless things.
We were making snapchats to tell our fans what we were up to.
I suddenly got an incoming phone call, from my mom.
"Hello?" I questioned, unsure why she was calling me.
"Kian! Thank god you picked up, something tragic happened..." She spoke frantically, making me nervous.
"What happened.." I spoke lowly, needing to know.
"It's about Aspen.. She was in a car accident.." She chokes out, sniffiling into the phone.
I couldn't move, speak, anything.
My sister.. Was in a car accident.
"Is she okay?" I choked out, my voice slowly disapearing.
"She's in the hostpital right now.. Apparently she was driving over the speed limit and a deer ran out in front of her, causing her to hit a tree." She spoke, trying to calm down.
"I'll be there as soon as I can." I replied, hanging up and sprinting to my room.
I quickly packed what I could then ran back down stairs.
"Jc we need to go, Aspen was in a car accident." I spoke frantically as Jc nodded quickly, then sprinting to the car.
*** At the hostpital ***
I sprinted through the doors, everything moving in slow motion.
Dad was holding mom as her body shook violently as she sobbed.
It broke my heart.
I went up to them and pulled them both into a hug.
"What room?" I questioned, wanting to see her.
"Room 406, take a left then a right, first door." She choked, hiccuping.
I jogged down the hall till I reached her room, I opened it slowly and peaked in.
There she was, hooked up to all these machines.
I quietly walked over and sat in the seat beside her bed, grasping her limp hand in mine.
"I'm here.. It will be okay.." I whispered, moving a piece of hair out of her face.
It broke my heart to see her here.
There was a reason though, Aspen doesn't speed, doesn't smoke, it's just not her.
I was lost in my thoughts when I saw her phone light up.
I picked it up, seeing it was a call from Mackenzie.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Ohmygod hello? Aspen!" She yelled, making me sigh.
"No, it's Kian." I mumbled, looking at Aspen.
"Oh my god Kian?!" She yelled, making me sigh again.
"Yes, why'd you call?" I questioned, wanting to get to the point.
"Is Aspen okay? I haven't heard from her all night." She replied, worry laced in her voice.
"She um.. She got in a car accident.." I replied lowly.
The line went quiet, I could hear her yelling at someone.
"Where is she?" She sobbed, sniffiling into the phone.
"She's in the hostpital.." I mumbled, looking at her.
"I'll be there asap." She replied then hung up.
I set her phone down, someone caused this, and I was going to find out who it was.
They won't get away with it.
Mack's POV
I quickly gathered my things, rushing out to the car.
"Mack can you at least tell us what happened?" Ethan cried out, rushing out after me, I rolled my eyes as Grayson ran out too.
"Not now." I replied bitterly, slamming the car door as they both got in too.
Deep down I knew this happened because of Grayson.
After Aspen had told me what Ethan had said I had gone back to see him to beat the living shit out of him.
*** Flashback ***
It felt as if steam was coming out of my ears.
How could Ethan say that not only about her but me?
That wasn't something I was gonna let go.
I slammed the front door as Ethan's head popped up from the couch.
"Hey Mack glad you're back I texted Grayson-" He spoke before I cut him off with a slap in the face.
He looked stunned, confused, sad and angry.
"What the hell was that for?!" He yelled at me, by now my face was probably bright red.
"You want to know what that was for?" I mocked him, rolling my eyes while scoffing.
"I asked didn't I?" He replied, rubbing his cheek, it was already brusing.
"Well, Ethan let me tell you, you're one fucking douchebag okay? How could you text Grayson talking about Aspen that way? AND use me in it as the bad guy too?" I growled, hitting him in the chest multiple times.
He looked shocked that I knew all that, flinching when I kept hitting him out of anger and disapointment.
He eventually grabbed my wrists, making me look at him.
"That wasn't me, that was Steven." Ethan looked back at me, seeing if I believed him.
Turns out it was Steven who took Ethan's phone, I apologized later for hitting Ethan but still was very pissed off.
*** Back to Present ***
We arrived at the hostpital, rushing to the front desk.
"We're here to see Aspen Lawley." I told her as she looked at us skeptically.
"Are you old enough? Family related?" She questioned, making me lose my sanity.
"Lady! I need to see her now." I growled, tears falling down my cheeks.
"Room 406, take a left then a right, first door on left." She replied bitterly, but at that point I didn't care, I just needed to see her.
We all rushed down the hall, opening the door to her room quietly.
There she laid, emotionless, pale.
I looked at Kian who looked angry but broken at the same time.
I slowly went over to him and gave him a small hug.
I glanced up at Grayson and Ethan who looked broken.
This whole time I've been blaming Grayson, but it wasn't his fault, it was Stevens.
Although, it's still somewhat Ethan's fault for letting Steven have his phone in the first place.
I sat down on the chair opposite her bed, looking at her sadly.
"I know you're in there somewhere Aspen.." I murmured, tears falling down my cheeks.
I hoped at least.
Grayson's POV
I could of stopped her, I could of ran over and held her close, I could of not listened and stayed with her.
I caused this, that one text ruined my life, and possibly hers.
And it was my fault.

Dolan Bullies
Fanfiction*WARNING* *if you cannot handle reading things that deal with depression, cutting or suicide, I don't recommend this book.* •••• Aspen Lawley wasn't your typical famous internet star, she actually was the opposite. You might know her brother though...