Chapter Two

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A/N: I'm so sorry for not posting this sooner. I haven't had wifi for a while and this is my first opportunity.

Nonetheless, here you go!

Due to my not being able to post, I will have a double update!

Enjoy! :)

Song- Say goodbye: Skillet

          "We'll go for a walk later on tonight if that's what you want," my mom said.

          "It is," I said, the two most idiotic words I ever could have said.

          My mom smiled then, "then so be it," she said, I wish she would have rejected me, if not for me then for herself and my dad.

          I smiled at them and ran down the hallway to my room. I changed into my black hoodie that had something on the front I hadn't bothered to read. I then pulled on my converses, deeming the skinny jeans I already had on perfect for what I'd changed in to.

          "Dinner will be ready in a few minutes! Then we can go for a walk!" My mom called down the hallway.

          "Okay!" I called back excitedly.

          I wouldn't have been so excited if I'd known what was going to happen.

          I pushed my phone into my back pocket just as it had buzzed, indicating I'd gotten a message:

Really wish u were here

- Benn

          I reread the message about three times before I checked the time. It was almost nine o'clock since I'd come home and gone to my room. I checked the number and realized I didn't have it saved in my phone and I didn't recall giving Benn my number. I wondered who'd given it to him and the answer immediately popped into my mind, Kate.

          A couple minutes later my phone buzzed again and I looked down at the message:

I hope u feel better tho

- Benn

          I was debating whether or not to answer it when someone knocked on my door, "dinner is ready," mom said through the door.

          "Be there in a sec," I said and then looked back at my phone. After a few seconds I responded:

That's nice of u. Thanks!

          I stuffed my phone in my pocket and headed down the hallway. I sat down at the table and my parents and I had our last meal together, but it wasn't like anyone knew that then. When I was done I got everybody's plate and put them in the sink. When I was done I turned back to my parents who were putting on their scarfs, hats, and boots.

          I stuffed my hands in the pocket at the front of my hoodie while I waited. When they were done they entwined their fingers and followed me out the door. I walked a little in front of them as we wondered into our backyard. Soon we were heading down our favorite trail.

          It was a normal night in Maple Valley. The moonlight glistening off the autumn leaves of the trees that surrounded us and the chilling breeze that bit into my skin was normal here. It was beautiful as well. There was nothing I loved more than walking through here, until the event that was about to happen happened.

  (I suggest playing the song here :) )       

I was enjoying the breeze against my face despite the cold. I glanced over my shoulder to see my mom and dad smiling at each other and holding hands. I smiled at them as they both turned to me and they smiled back. I looked up through the canopy of trees at the starry sky that was lit up by the beautiful moon.

          I heard my mom and dad abruptly stop and I turned around. They were looking back down the trail and I looked past them to see what they were looking at. The only thing I saw was pitch blackness. My mom suddenly turned to me and wrapped me in a huge hug. My dad gave me a tight hug as well as I looked up at them in confusion.

          "What's wrong?" I asked as my mom fumbled with her necklace and my dad looked back down the trail.

          "We love you Arya," my dad said as my mom stepped up to me.

          "Wait, what is going on?" I asked, raising my voice as adrenaline started to course through my veins.

         My mom took her necklace off and hooked it around my neck, "never take this off, Arya," she said and I nodded.

          A tear slipped from my face, "mom, what's happening?" I asked as she wrapped me in another quick hug.

          "We're keeping you safe darling, just remember that we always loved you and we never intended for this day to happen," my mom said, choking on tears.

          "No matter what happens, when I put you in this tree, do not turn around and don't make a sound no matter what you hear and don't come out until you know you're safe," my dad said.

          My face was now streaming with tears as I nodded. My mom and dad gave me one last hug as my dad, gratefully being the muscular man that he is, lifted me into the tree and told me to climb to the top. I cried the whole climb up. I looked down at my parents as they smiled up at me before they turned back to the path.

          That was the last time I ever saw my parents alive.

          The next thing I knew I heard my mom pleading with someone, "please don't do this, we've already discussed what happened and you know it's not our fault," my mom said.

          "Maybe, but that doesn't make you any less responsible for what happened, her death is both of your faults!" A man yelled, though it sounded muffled, like he was talking through a scarf or ski mask.

          "Listen, we didn't lay a hand on her nor did we help out in the situation. I have a family, I would never do something like what happened to her to another family," my dad tried to reason.

          "I'm going for your little daughter next, trust me, once I find her she will relive what Meredith lived through and you can blame yourselves," the man said again and I put a hand over my mouth to stop the sobs from escaping.

          I reached my other hand up to cover my mouth as well when I heard my mom scream. Tears were streaming down my face. Once I heard what sounded like the chime of metal, sounding as if a knife were being unsheathed, and then the desperate cries of my mom my shoulders were heaving with sobs.

          I heard my dad crying as one of my mom's cries were suddenly cut off and a gurgling sound came from my mom instead. "How dare you ruin my family, look at what you've─," my dad started, but suddenly a gun shot rang out, making my ears ring, and I was choking back sobs once more.

          I gripped the tree under me while keeping the other hand over my mouth to stifle my crying and stop the tree from shaking. I sat in the tree for what felt like hours silently crying. I was still crying dry sobs as it seemed as if I had run out of tears. I was still sniffling and dry sobbing when I crawled down from the tree.

          A part of me was hoping that guy was still here so he could take me too. I didn't want to live without my family, my mom and dad were all I had left, everybody else in my family had already passed. The second part of me wanted to live, for my parents, as their last efforts had been to protect me and tell me how much they loved me.

          I started crying even harder when I looked over and saw my parent's dead bodies. There was nowhere for me to go now. I didn't have any family left and I wasn't old enough to live on my own yet. I couldn't do anything but stay here and cry over my parent's dead bodies.

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