Chapter Three

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       A little while later I thought I heard sirens in the distance. I didn't bother to look up. I looked down at my mother's lifeless eyes and reached out to close her eyes. Her blood still seemed to be flowing out of her body from the cut across her throat. The thought of the pain my mother had to endure from that wound brought fresh tears to my eyes.

       I looked at my dad who was a few feet away from my mother and I. Blood was pooling from the gunshot in his chest. I already checked to see if I could still help him but his pulse was already gone. However, at least his bleeding seemed to stop as my mother's open wound wouldn't allow that to happen.

       I felt a hand on my shoulder but I didn't care. Whoever was behind me tried to pick me up and drag me from my parent's bodies but I struggled against them. I managed to slip out of their grasps and I ran back to my mother's body and flung myself over her. I felt tears running down my face but I didn't hear anything.

       Hands lifted me up again and I tried to fight against them again but I was too weak now. I was sat down on the back of an ambulance and a blanket was wrapped around me. I looked up then to see who had brought me here. It was a male officer who seemed to be talking but I wasn't comprehending any words that came out his mouth. I looked back out to where my parents were and saw policemen spreading out caution tape and coroners loading my parent's bodies into body bags.

       I cast my eyes down as a light snow began to fall. I knew that that would make it harder for the cops to find the murderer. I looked up at the cop in front of me with worry. I wanted to tell him what the snow would do even though I was sure he already knew but he beat me to it.

       "Don't worry, Ms. Johnson, we are collecting all the evidence we can as fast as we can to build a sturdy case," the officer I thought I remembered as Officer Mason reassured. "Now, I know you have just gone through a traumatic event, but can you answer some questions for me?" he asked.

       I looked up at him like he was the most idiotic person alive. He had no idea what this was like. He had no right to try to comfort me just to get information out of me. However, I knew whatever information I gave him would help him find my parent's murderer so I nodded.

       He gave me a sympathetic look which made me want to get up and walk away but he started talking before I could. "Did you see who confronted your parents?" he asked and I shook my head. "Where were you when this took place?"

       I remembered the last moments my parents were with me, "they thought they heard someone coming when they knew nobody else should be in the area so they put me in a tree and told me not to move. Whoever it was didn't know I was there," I said.

       "Were they in any previous confrontations that would make somebody come after them?" Officer Mason asked. I shook my head, everybody around here loved my family. "Then what caused them to be so cautious and protective of you when they thought somebody was coming? Why were they so paranoid?" he continued.

       I shook my head, "I don't know," I stated honestly.

       "You have to of noticed something off about them. People don't kill people like this for no reason," he stated which brought fresh tears to my eyes.

       "I don't know," I said again and shook my head.

       "Officer Mason!" a voice called out.

       I looked over to see Sheriff Ramsey, "You know better than to question somebody like this after an event like that," she said and gave him a shooing motion, "go help the other officers. Arya, honey, come with me," she said.

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