Chapter 2

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I gently approached the boy, making sure not to make too much noise and frighten him. As soon as I reached him, I lightly tapped his shoulder, causing him to flinch and turn around.

"Oh my god, Julian?!" I stated, very confused.

He looked at me, almost as if he was shocked that I had recognized him.

"H-How do you know my name?"

"I uh... used to watch your videos with Jovani on YouTube. Is this why you guys haven't uploaded anything in over a week?"

Julian looked down slowly, and sighed to himself. As I stared at him with a confused facial expression, he wiped his face and ran away.

"Huh... that was weird," I thought to myself.

I decided to just shrug it off and continue on my way to try and find the damn cafeteria. I ended up walking into the main entrance, and I saw a familiar looking family. I saw a boy who seemed to be around the age of 17, an 18 year old girl and their parents. As I got closer and closer to them, I realized that they happened to be the Jara family, and they were probably here visiting Julian.

I thought, "Should I or should I not approach them?"

I mean, they look pretty sad, so I think I'll just leave them alone. As I was about to start walking away, I saw a lady escorting Julian to his parents. His eyes were bloodshot red, and the tears were still flowing freely down his face.

I took a quick glance at Jovani and realized that he was staring at me. As soon as he caught me looking, he looked towards his brother with a sad smile on his face.

"Poor family.. I would've never guessed that they would be going through something like this -- especially since Julian seemed so happy. I guess you really do never know what goes on behind the camera."

Whatever, this isn't any of my business.

*10 minutes later...*

After around 20 minutes of searching for this freaking cafeteria, I finally found it. As I entered, everyone's heads turned to look at me.

"Why the hell are they all looking at me for? I understand I'm new, but damn."

I suddenly began to feel very out of place, and was about to turn around and leave until I saw who was behind me.

It was Julian again. He stared intensely at me with his deep blue eyes, which were also still red from all of the crying that he had done. And that's when I realized that they weren't looking at me.

They were looking at Julian.

I then began to hear whispering all around me, from basically everyone in the cafeteria.

"That boy is so weird, what the hell is wrong with him?"

"Why is he staring at her? He's so awkward."

These people are being so rude towards Julian, and I honestly felt bad for the kid. I closed my eyes for about 5 seconds, just to process what was going on. But as soon as I opened my eyes again, he was gone.

"What the hell?"

And without thinking, I ran outside of the cafeteria, and tried to find the blue-eyed boy.

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