Chapter 7

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Julian cupped my face in his hands as he continued to kiss me, and I honestly just melted.

What am I doing? I just met this boy yesterday, and I'm already kissing him. I'm such a sl*t.

Before the kiss got more heated, I decided to pull away from Julian.

"Julian, I --"

"Shh. I'm sorry, Desiree. I just needed a way to shut you up. That should've never happened," he rushed out.

And once again, he was gone.

Which left me sitting on the floor of my room, with my fingers hovering my lips, trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

Julian kissed me, and... I liked it.

I liked it a lot.

I found myself heading to Julian's room again, but was greeted with something I did not expect to see. I saw Julian hugging a girl, and Jovani and his girlfriend smiling at them. But no, it wasn't just any girl. It was Cat Selman, Mario's gorgeous sister.

Oh, great.

And what made everything even better, was when he leaned in and fucking kissed her, just like he was doing to me a few minutes ago.

This is not real.

Jovani and his girlfriend were taking pictures of them kissing, and I could've sworn they were going to post it somewhere. But whatever, I'll be alright. Me and Julian aren't together, and I'll never compare to Cat.

Before I started crying, I decided that I'd go speak to a counselor.


"Hey, Desiree. How are you doing today?" a woman asked me.

I sighed silently to myself, before replying.

"I'm fine, Mrs. Garcia," I replied, with the fakest smile ever.

"That's amazing to hear, darling! I've been seeing you and Julian around each other a lot lately. Now, I hope you don't have feelings for him, due to the 'no physical contact with other patients' rule."

Definitely not, especially after what happened today.

"Aha, no ma'am. He's just my friend."

She nodded.

"Oh.. alright. Well anyway, I'm gonna be like your psychiatrist, so let's get on with the session, yeah?"


I made it out alive, surprisingly.

It was around 6 PM now on Friday, which meant that I started classes on Monday, and it was time for dinner. I hadn't eaten anything all day, and I wasn't planning on it either since I felt as if I needed to lose a few pounds anyway. So I started heading down the already familiar hallway that lead to my room, quite slowly. And that's when I saw Julian and Cat kiss once more, before she headed down the flight of stairs which would lead her to the main entrance. Me, being the weirdo I am, just stared at them for what felt like an eternity.

I guess I was completely zoned out, because I didn't even realize the fact that Julian was standing in front of me with eyes full of sorrow. I also didn't realize that I was tearing up, until I felt Julian wipe my tears with his fingers before walking away again.




I awoke in a completely unfamiliar surrounding, and immediately started freaking out.

"Hey, calm down Desiree!" Julian said.

Wait, what?

"Julian? Where the hell am I?" I stated, clearly very confused.

"You're in my room. When the door barged open, you hit your head against the wall since it caught you off guard," he said, while chuckling.


So, me and Julian never kissed?

And... he never kissed Cat.

I took a moment to observe my surroundings, and saw a girl, who looked quite similar to the girl in my "dream".

"Hi! I'm Kayla, Jovani's girlfriend."

"Hi. My name's Desiree."

She held her hand out for me to shake, but I honestly wasn't even in the mood for it, and so I just shrugged her off.

"I'm leaving, bye Julian," I said.

"Wait, why are you leaving?" he asked, in a rather... sad tone?

I shouldn't feel the need to explain myself to him.

And so I walked out.

And he followed me, gently closing the door behind him.

"Seriously, Des. What's wrong?"


"I had this dream.. It's no big deal though, Julian."

"It's obviously a big deal if it's bothering you, Desiree," he said.

"Really, just drop it, Julian."

I saw Julian sigh, before nodding his head.

"Well alright, but don't hesitate to come talk to me if you wanna talk about it."

I then nodded and turned to walk away, before Julian pulled me back gently and kissed my cheek. He left his lips lingering there for a second, before pulling away and smiling at me.

"Thank you for helping me out today, Des," he smiled, before walking back into his room.

I think I'm catching feelings.

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