Chapter 8

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Today is now Saturday, meaning I didn't have any classes today. I managed to get 4 hours of sleep last night, and it's now 8 AM.

I was about to hop in the shower, before I was interrupted with a knock on my door.

"Desiree, are you awake?"

That voice sounded all too familiar.


"Yeah, just give me a minute!"

Holy crap. How am I gonna let him see me at my most unattractive hour? My hair looks like a birds nest, I have the most hideous bags under my eyes and I haven't even brushed my teeth yet.

I'm such a mess.

I ran into the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth. I couldn't really do anything fancy with my hair right now, so I just brushed it and picked it up in a high ponytail.

Damn, I probably look so unattractive right now.

I sighed quietly to myself, before remembering that Julian was standing outside of my door, and I should probably let him in.

As I opened my door, I was greeted with a beautiful boy, who looked half-asleep.

"Hey, Des," he smiled at me.

"Hey Julian.. What are you doing here?"

"I just came to check up on you. You know... especially after what happened yesterday," he stated, looking a bit unsure.

I rolled my eyes, hoping he didn't catch me.

"Right. Well I'm fine now, so if that's all you're here for, then you may leave now," I said, rather harshly.

I could see that Julian had looked a little taken aback by my sudden outburst.

He then began to run his fingers through his hair, quite roughly.

"Listen, Desiree. You've been acting strange ever since you woke up last night. I don't know what happened in your dream, but it's causing you to act different and I don't like it one bit," he spat out.

"If you have such a problem with it, then just LEAVE."

I couldn't even look at Julian's eyes because I knew they would show some type of emotion, and I didn't wanna know how he was feeling.

"Fine. I will."

And with that being said, he walked away, while I stared at the spot he was once standing in.

Must you always ruin everything? You're such a disgrace.

I slammed my room door, and started tugging at my hair furiously.

Julian doesn't need someone like you in his life. He's already f*cked up, and he doesn't need you to add on to that. This is why he prefers Cat. She won't give him a hard time, because she's not f*cked up like you.

"THAT'S IT!" I screamed angrily.

There's gotta be something in this room for me to harm myself with.

I ran inside my bathroom and started opening every single cabinet and drawer I could find.

And that's when I found a bottle of sleeping pills. They only had around a handful of pills in there, but it would be enough to do the job.

Looks like whoever cleaned out this room, didn't do a very good job.

I opened the bottle of pills and collected all of the pills in my hand.

It's now or never.

I swallowed the pills, and watched the world around me slowly fade into darkness...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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