Chapter 6

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"Oh my god, Julian! What happened?!"

As I approached Julian, I could hear his heavy breathing.

"G-Go away, Desiree. I'm fine."

Obviously, I ignored him and went straight to his bathroom. I grabbed a towel and wet it with some warm water, and went back to Julian.

"Here, use this to clean up around your mouth while I go get the nurse."

"No! D-Don't get the nurse!"

Why wouldn't he want me to get the nurse?

"Alright, I'll just go to my room then."

I stood up and brushed myself off, ready to start going back to my room, where I obviously should've been.

"No.. please stay," he said so quietly, with a hint of fear in his voice.

"Julian, I shouldn't be in here.."

And the next thing I knew, Julian stood up and interlaced our fingers.


Oh my god. Is he really begging me to stay?

Before I could speak, the door barged open. I guess Julian automatically thought it was those guys again, so he quickly stood in front of me as if he wanted to protect me.

But it was just Jovani and a girl.

The girl was honestly beautiful. She had dark brown hair, and brown eyes as well, with tanned skin. I'm assuming it's Jovani's girlfriend, since they walked in holding hands.

"Dessie? What are you doing here?" Jovani asked, looking a bit scared and confused.

"Don't worry, I was only helping Julian like you asked me too. But I'll be taking my leave now," I said in a semi-rude tone.

And just like that, I pushed past Jovani and walked back to my room.

As soon as I entered my room, I immediately slammed the door with all of my force, and ran into the bathroom.

Is there seriously not anything dangerous in here?

After about 20 minutes of trying to search for something that I could harm myself with, I gave up.

It's no use.

And then I started doing the only thing I could think of that would bring me pain.

I bit myself.

And I kept on biting myself until my skin turned red, and I had bite marks all over my arm. And I also started hitting my body with things that I found, causing bruises to form.

You're worthless. No one likes you, not even your own damn parents, and that's why they put you in this hell hole.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled, while scratching my face really hard.

And that's when I saw Julian barge into my room with wide eyes, and an ice pack covering his mouth.


He immediately ran over to me after seeing what I was doing, and put his ice pack on the floor. He then started grabbing my hands, and tried to hold them down so I wouldn't harm myself anymore.

"Desiree, please calm down! I'm here to help you, alright? Just like you helped me," he said, with tears also falling down his cheeks.

But of course, I didn't listen to him, and I kept screaming. I'm surprised a worker hasn't ran in here yet, considering the fact that I'm screaming like someone's trying to kidnap me or something, like jeez. And that's when Julian shocked me.

He kissed me.

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