Chapter 3

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I ran through the halls, up a few flights of stairs, and then through some more halls.

"Why am I running after Julian? I don't even run."

As I stopped to catch my breath, I heard a loud thud. I was about to just shrug it off and pretend I didn't hear anything, until I heard screaming.

"What the hell is going on?"

I went up to the first door I saw, and gently knocked on the door. And of course, I was greeted with none other than Julian.

"You again? What do you want from me?" he stated, pretty harshly.

"Well, I heard a loud thud and screaming, and wanted to know what the hell that was."

"Just... mind your damn business, man," he said, and roughly slammed the door in my face.

I huffed in annoyance, and even let a few curse words slip. I was going to turn and walk away, but I ended up bumping into a figure.

"I'm so sorry," I said to the unknown person.

"It's fine. Is my brother in there?"

I looked up at the person, and saw Jovani Jara.

Holy crap.

Jovani had always been my favorite Jara twin for some reason.

"Uh.. yeah. He's in there, but seems pretty angry."

I noticed Jovani sigh a bit, and then knocked on Julian's door.


Jovani looked at me with wide eyes, and I just rolled my eyes.

"Bro... it's just me. Please calm down," Jovani stated in the most gentle tone ever, and that honestly just made my heart melt. He was so adorable. Julian cautiously opened the door, but closed it again when he realized that I was still standing there.

"I'm sorry, Jovani. I'll leave you two alone."

Jovani looked at me with the same expression Julian looked at me with earlier, also probably shocked at the fact that I recognized him.

"You know who I am?" he asked, in a hushed tone.

I nodded lightly, and proceeded to walk the other way. Before I could get far enough, Jovani grabbed my hand gently, and pulled me back.

"What's your name?"

I blushed at the fact that he was holding my hand, but answered his question nonetheless.

"Desiree. My parents call me Desiree Lynn, and my family calls me Des. It's up to you on what you wanna call me."

I saw Jovani nod, and smile at me.

"I think I'll be unique, and call you Dessie."

I lightly chuckled at the nickname he had decided to give me.

"Alright, Vani. Whatever floats your boat."

Jovani released my hand, and gave me a light hug.

"Can I ask you a question?" Jovani asked.

"Yeah sure, what is it?"

He took a long pause, before answering me again.

"Can you.. please look after Julian for me? He's going through a lot right now, and doesn't really have any friends here."

I noticed.

"Yeah sure."

"Thank you," he said, and smiled at me.

I brushed myself off, and waved at Jovani, while he did the same.

And after that, I decided that I'd just head back to my room.

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