Chapter 5

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*The Next Day*

"Wake up, Desiree! It's time for breakfast," the same lady from yesterday said.

"What time is it?"

"It's 9 AM, breakfast started at 8:55."

What the hell?

I shrugged her off, and told her that I'd be down in a few minutes. As soon as she left, I went straight to the bathroom, took a shower and got ready. I decided to put my hair in a messy bun (since I've got no one to impress) and I picked out a pair of sweatpants and a large hoodie.

This should be alright, right?


We weren't allowed our phones in the facility, so I pretty much had no source of entertainment. Therefore, causing me to just end up heading down to breakfast, even though I wasn't hungry.

As soon as I made it to the cafeteria, I scanned all of the people in there. No one really spoke to each other in here, and it didn't even look like they made an effort to. They were really all just eating their food and getting lost in their own thoughts. I was about to go sit on my own, when I saw Julian. Of course, he was sitting alone, so why not keep him company?

I walked up to his table, and quietly pulled the chair out so I could take a seat, which caused him to flinch.

Why does this boy always flinch at the slightest things?

"Um? Why are you sitting here?" he asked.

"You seemed lonely, and I--"

"I'm perfectly fine on my own, 'Dessie'. I'm used to this," he stated, rather harshly.

Dessie? How does he know?

Julian lightly chuckled.

"I bet you're wondering how I know your name, or nickname that Jovani had given you. Well, it's because he wouldn't shut up about you yesterday."

And that caused me to slightly blush. Like, Jovani wouldn't stop talking about me? I'm nobody special.
Due to my reaction, I could see Julian roll his eyes.

"Don't get your hopes up too high, he has a girlfriend. Her name's Kayla, but none of the fans know about her," he stated simply, while taking a bite out of an apple.

That news caught me by surprise. He had a girlfriend?

"Why is he keeping her a secret?"

I saw Julian roll his eyes at me again, as if I was supposed to already know the answer to this question.

"Because our fans wouldn't take the news lightly, and probably hate on her for dating him."

I nodded my head lightly.

Of course that would be the reason why, Desiree.

"But anyway, I've gotta get going. See you whenever," he said, before running away.

That boy is just full of mysteries, huh?

No. He's not getting away this time. I'm tired of him always randomly running away without giving me a reasonable explanation.

And so I ran after him.

*15 minutes later*

After around 15 minutes of running around this big place, I just gave up and headed back to my room. Well, that was until I heard more thuds coming from the direction of Julian's room.

Honestly, what the hell is wrong with this boy? It's quite alarming.

I hid on the side of the wall, and tried to listen in on him. As I was busy doing that, I noticed that there were around 3 guys, kinda scary looking and dressed in all black, exiting his room.

The hell were they doing in there? I thought he didn't have any friends...

I seriously contemplated on going in there or just going back to my room, but once again, my curiosity got the best of me. I walked up to Julian's door, being careful not to make too much noise, and gently opened the door.

And that's when I saw Julian, sitting in the corner of his room with a black eye, and blood coming out of his mouth.

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