Chpter 16 nothing left

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Jakes POV December 25th 2016.

I woke up and went out side. Snow storm... I thought I limped back inside. I got out some beef jerky I found on the way to this village. Just then I heard a couple knocks on the door. Then I opened it to see Brendon. Jake?! He said. Brendon?! I tried to speak. What happened to you man? He closed the door. Marcus... He beat me pretty good I said coughing. Well um I'm going to the house that's yellow. He said as he was pointing left 9 houses down I thought.

Time skip

Brendon was back with Jessica. Jessica?! I found him in the snow she said. A zombie was on top of him. She said. But Jake... What happened to you? Marcus. He got away he is still alive. But Edgar. I came upon his body. I have his back pack, crossbow, his 44.magnum, and his knife. The whole entire place is filled with zombies. The hordes there now. They probably heard the gunshots. Could we be the only survivors?

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