Chapter 11 : I'm not giving up

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??? : Mr.Scholes ? Mr.Scholes ?!

I raised my head and noticed that almost all my classmates were staring at me. Some of them were laughing, some others were giving me a funny look and others waren't paying attention at what was going on, almost sleeping or on their phones. When our professor, Mister Rosenback, talked again, i get a little more upright.

"Look at him ! Even my grand mother is more attentive ! And she's dead ! I would like to know what you were thinking...No, no, i don't. A part of me wants to ask, the other part says knowing would more disturbing than i even could imagine." he explained moving his hands.

He always exaggerated. He always had to be rude, impatient and sarcastic, even if sarcasm was something familiar to me. But he was right because he didn't need to know what i was thinking. This had to be kept as a secret and not to be revealed in front of about 40 people in the room. Yes, among all of this people, he had chosen me to answer his question that he had, by the way, forgotten. I surely was one of his punching ball. But i loved his subject so i didn't care. He kept talking to the first rows. Being at the middle of the room, i took adventage of it to take my phone and noticed that Liam had sent me a message.

_Go to the landmark when you can._

I smiled and answered.

_I was sure ! You can't leave without me :p I finish my class in 5 minutes. In one hour, is it good ?_

"Now, we're going to focus on a crucial distinction of this last notion. What is the difference between these three cases and which are the expected punishments ? "

_Good for me ;)_

I put my phone in my pocket once i had read the message and put my hand up to participate, something i only did few times in his class, maybe i never did. After hesitating between students during a while, he turned his sights on me with a more curious look.

"What's the matter Scholes ?"

Me : Well...I know the answer.

He burst out laughing, followed by some others.

Is he serious ?

- Oh, ok, go on, he said, leaning on his big desk.

- In the case of Mr.Murphy, it's a voluntary murder but unpremeditated. He risks 20 or 30 years of prison. Mrs.Lawrens premeditated his act and according to the article 394, the punishment is perpetuity. The circonstances for M.Yang are more complexe because the murder is involontary. He wanted to cause injury. He risks between 5 and 15 years. And finally, Mrs.Johnson didn't wanted to kill or to hurt. It was an accident so the punishment is between few months and 2 years when alcohol and drog are concerned."

Our professor of law seemed to have lost his voice because he stayed mute even when we heard the ring. I went out and i didn't join my friends as usually. I had to do.


I slowly recovered and looked for where i was. I musn't have been inconscious a long time because the guests of the party were still on their knees, hands up, obeying to the orders of the men who were searching me.

I turned near the same girl that had knocked me out. I kept analysing the scene. Only few celebrities were came with their body-guards; what had surely made the access to the house easier for the thieves.Mais il y acaut tellement de monde qu'il leur était impossible de savoir si quelqu'un avait réussi à appeler la police sans se faire prendre. Il en était sûrement conscient puisqu'ils s'apprêtaient à partir. Seulement quelque chose semblait ne pas se passer comme prévu.

Un des hommes : Tu m'entends ? Jerry, est ce que tu me reçois ?

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