Chapter 10: The perfect dress pampering and Starbucks.

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Chapter 10: The perfect dress, pampering and Starbucks.


I woke up to the sun shining through the window and rolled out of bed. I thought about what happened last night as I went into the en suite bathroom. As I turned on the shower and took off my Pjs, I thought about how good it was to get it all off my chest. After so many years for not telling anyone, I finally have someone to talk to, and that is my sister, my twin sister! I stepped into the shower and let the warm water run onto my body. After my shower I got out and rapped a towel around my body and walked into the room and changed into a gray baggy jumper and some denim shorts with my black vans. My once straight hair was now curly so I decided to straighten it again and put it in a high ponytail with my side fringe down. I got out my make up bag and put on some mascara, blusher and light pink lipstick. Afterwards I headed downstairs to the kitchen. I saw Indiana sat down at the bar on the phone. I walked over to the fridge and got out some orange juice. As I was pouring it out she hung up and put her phone back in her pocket.

"Hey, are you still coming tonight?" she asked.

"Huh?" I said as I sat down with my juice.

"Remember when I said we were going out and I asked if you wanted to come?"

I completely forgot...

"Oh yeah well okay, what are we doing?" I asked.

"To be honest I really don't know" she said.

Then Hayden walked downstairs.

"What are we doing tonight?" she asked Hayden.

"Moring to you too!" she said sarcastically.

Then Jordan walked in the kitchen.

"Hey guys!" she said.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Indiana repeated.

"Were going to this club that opened up a few weeks ago" Jordan said as she got some cereal.

"Okay, at least some people will tell me things" India said.

Hayden scoffed and continued what she was doing.

"Are you coming Reeha?" Jordan asked.

"Umm... my name isn't actually Reeha" I confessed.

Jordan looked confused and Hayden looked up.

"Yeah, her real name is Brooklyn she didn't want to tell us her real name because of the whole being kidnapped thing..." India interrupted saving me from explanation.

"Okay...well, Brooklyn are you coming?" she asked again.

"I kind of don't have anything to wear to go clubbing..." I confessed again.

"Yeah neither do I" Indiana said also.

"Well I'm going shopping after I eat, you guys can come with if you want" Jordan said.

We both agreed to go.

"Hey, are you Brooklyn Andrews?" Hayden asked totally off subject.

How does everyone know me?

"y-yeah..." I said looking down.

"You do know you're on the news right?" she said.

It must be because of Craig, it makes sense now...

"No..." I said.

"Why? Don't you watch the news?" Hayden asked bluntly.

"No, I haven't watched TV in a while." I said as I fiddled with my fingers.

"Mmm..." Hayden hummed.

"And what's with that guy?" she asked again.

My heart raced, I hated all these questions she was firing.

"It's a long story..." I said quietly.

She squinted her eyes at me accusingly as if she didn't quite believe me.

There was a silence for a moment as tension filled the air until Jordan spoke again.

"So anyways... I was thinking we could go to the nail shop too get our nails done?" she said.

"Sure!" I said.

"Whatever" Indiana murmered.

Jordan sat down with her cereal and Hayden sat down and texted someone.

"Well I'm going to get changed" India said who was the only one in her PJs.

After a few minutes she came back down with some gray skinny sweats that were cuffed at the ankles, a red jumper and some red and black high tops.

"Sweats in this weather?" Hayden asked.

"Yeah it was the only clean outfit I have, Problem?" she asked.

Clearly these two didn't get along well...

"Nah, I aint the one going out like that..." she said as she walked out.

"Ugh, and people say I've got an attitude!" Indiana groaned.

"Everyone ready to go?" Jordan asked.

"Yup" I said.

"Sure" Indiana said as she headed out the room.


It had been nearly an hour and we still couldn't find the perfect dresses.

"Come on guys! One more shop?" Jordan begged.

India and I looked at each other and I sighed.

"Okay..." I groaned.

She squealed and grabbed both of our arms and led us into the shop.

We looked around and in a few minutes Jordan had picked out a dress with a colorful pattern at the front and back with a black stripe at the side.

"I can't find anything" I groaned.

"Come on, I'll help you look!" she said.

"What about this?" she asked picking out a purple tight dress with lots of diamonds at the top.

"Mm... not really my thing" I said looking at it.

Then I picked out a strapless dress, which was black at the top and cream at the bottom. "What do you think about this?" I asked holding it in front of her.

"Yeah, I like it!" she said looking at it smiling.

"Now we just need some heels!" she continued as she walked along to the shoe section.

We looked around and I picked out some black peep toe heels with a bow on the front.

Then India came up to us. "You guys done yet?" she asked looking bored.

"Yeah, you've picked a dress already?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah" she said showing it to us.

"Nice" I said.

"You know, I've never seen you in dress like that... In fact I've never seen you wear a dress!" Jordan said laughing.

I smiled and shook my head as we made our way to the cashiers. After we paid for the dresses and shoes we went to Starbucks. We all got our drinks and sat outside and talked for a while. Then we went to the nail shop and got our nails done.

I got some natural French nails done, Jordan got some multi colored pattern and India got a black and red pattern to match her outfit.

Afterwards we all went back to the house satisfied with what we bought.

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