Chapter One

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My blue eyes flutter open as I hear my alarm stop beeping. The first thing I think of is my boyfriend Justin. I have an image of him in my mind, smiling, his dark brown eyes and think light brown hair, toned and tall, nicely sculptured body. The way it moves while he's walking towards me. He is my reason for being who I am, and it kills me to know we are only friends, best friends.
I get out of bed and walk into my bathroom and switch on the light. I look in the mirror, eww... my hair was in a braid last night, and now it's clearly not. I get undressed quickly and I jumped into the shower because its cold, but only after turning on the radio. "We'll never be royals, it don't run in our blood, that kind of lux just ain't for us" I sing as loud as I can. I live alone now, my parents went to Africa for two months to help bring in some more clean water and provide new homes and good meals to the children and adults there. I wish I would have gone with them to help but they gave me a fairly good reason for why I couldn't. They said and I quote 'Alice these people lost everything in life and that includes the place where they got as much education as they could which wasn't a lot. So, the more people that have an education the better. You may not think one person would make a difference but it would.' So, they left me here because basically they said that since I was 18 I should be able to take of myself. I got out of the shower after I realized I've been in their for god knows how long. I wrapped a towel around me and walked to the other end of the room where my closet is. It always takes me forever to decide what to wear, I always say dress to impress and I choose to impress everyday. This rule mainly applies to Justin, I really like to look good for him. I've learned he likes me better when I just dress casual and not really care how I look, but if I looked like I didn't care everyday I'm pretty sure he would notice and be like 'no, ew.' I decide on a grey thick strapped tank top with skinny jeans and my favorite pair or colorful Aztec print sandals. I pulled my lucky superman underwear on, followed by my skinny jeans, which may have been one size to small. I put one leg through, wiggled a little, put the other through and did a few jumps. After both my legs were in the pants I had to suck in my stomach just a tad to button them. That's how I put jeans on. I found my matching bra and strapped it on and put on my top and had to jab a little to get the sandals on. I dry my hair and put it into a messy bun.
The bus will be here in 10 minutes which will give me enough time for my favorite cereal, frosted mini wheats. I run downstairs and quickly poor cereal in the bowl then add milk. I don't even have time to finish half the bowl before the bus pulls up to my house, coming to a screeching halt. You could probably hear it's loud, old brakes a mile away. It's early today, which is so not fair. I could have finished my breakfast on time if the bus wasn't early. I grab my floral vans bag and run outside to the bus. I'm the 5th stop so the bus is fairly clear and I pretty much have a choice to any seat. Justin is in two more stops. I sit down and get situated and before I know it he is sitting down right next to me.

Sorry for the short chapter!! They will get longer as the story goes on it's just so hard to continue on in the same chapter sometimes!! I should be updating everyday so like and comment!! Thank you:)

Hey, so I'm rewriting this whole book, so, if you read a chapter and the next one doesn't completely pick up to where you left off that's why and now you will understand, sorry. Also, there is a book two up for this book, the characters are different for right now, but will change after I finish revising this hopefully. Enjoy and don't forget to vote!!:)

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