Chapter 2

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Happy independence day to all pakistanis!

"I'm home Mama!" Areesha yelled as soon she got into the house. With her purse dangling from her shoulder and a box in her hands, she entered the kitchen and quickly grabbed a knife to cut the cake she had bought to celebrate with her mother. She felt happy after such a long time. As soon as she had gotten the job today she had rushed to the bakery with a Cheshire smile on her face and bought the cake.

She took the cake to her mother's room and peeped in to see that her mother was reading a magazine as she sat on the bed with her back resting on the bed rest and her legs spread in front of her.

"I got the job Ma! " she squealed cheerfully making her mother flinch at her unexpected arrival.

"You what?" Her mother asked her in surprise as she straightened.

"The job Mama, I got it!" she answered joyfully as she sat in front of her mother.

"Really? That's great! I'm so happy for you honey." Her mother's mouth curled into a pleasant smile. The way her mother smiled bought back all those nostalgic memories from when her father was with them. She couldn't help but feel proud that she was the reason behind that smile.

"Ok now let's cut the cake. It's your favorite black forest cake. "

Together she and her mother cut the cake and celebrated. For others this might be a small thing, but for them it was a very big thing. They had a reason to be happy. But little did they understand that you don't need a reason to come and make you happy. You have to find happiness by yourself in the smallest of things.


Fawad Ali was going home right now as his younger sister had threatened him to 'get his ass home this instant.'

He drove home in his car after giving some instructions to his receptionist. People thought he was intimidating, but the girl who had been here in the morning for the interview didn't appear to think so. She was ready to bite of his head if he said anything wrong. He couldn't help but be curious about her. He was a good judge of people as he was running his father's business on his own for a few years now. To be a good business man you had to be able to see through other people as you never know when someone could cheat you.

Shrugging all those thoughts about his business from his mind he concentrated on his driving. He enjoyed racing cars a lot. It really helped him get his mind off things. So that's what he did. He took the longer rote to his house through the highway and sped the car home, enjoying the feeling of being in control of the speed.

Upon reaching home he tossed the keys to the security guard to park the car and himself went into the house.

Even before he could enter the house he was attacked by a big hug from his mother.

What's up with everyone today, he thought quietly. That wasn't he welcome he got when got home from work everyday. It looked like they were hiding something.

"Woah there ammi! Salam." He said to his mother who had still engulfed him in a hug.

"Walaikum salam. You left without telling anyone this morning. What's wrong with you? And what did you eat for lunch, today?" His mother started cross questioning him.

"Uh nothing yet," he said truthfully waiting to get the scolding of his life. He hadn't gotten a single spare minute to even have a lunch break.

"Ok that's great!" What? Were his ears working properly? 

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