Chapter 21

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"I choose-"

Before she could continue any further the bell rang. (Haha I am so mean.)

Ding-Dong. Ding-Dong

"Zayan go get the door." Mama said

"What am I? The door keeper?" He said frowning. The other person was impatiently ringing the bell.

"Yes now hurry up before the bell stops working from all this ringing."

"Don't tell anything before I come back." He said in a warning tone.

"Fine! Go now." She said pushing him out of the room.

"Who is it?" mama yelled after they heard the door opening. Zayan hurried into the room and whispered that it was Aamir's father.

"Shit! Why did he have to come?" Areesha groaned.

"Manners Areesha. Hes a guest at our house and you better behave!" She said pointing a finger warningly at her daughters face.

"No guarantee on that!" Areesha said cheekily.

She had met Aamir's father only once or twice before in all these years. And she hadn't liked him one bit. He had a surly face with a bull-neck, overhanging temples, and his hair was cut close all round his head. Not only did she find his appearance very displeasing but even his personality was also dictatorial and authoritative.

She entered the living room where he was.

"Hey uncle! Whats up?" she didn't bother saying salam to him as there was no peace on him from her.

He merely grunted in reply and turned towards her mother.

"I am here to discuss my son's marriage with your daughter." He began in a loud voice.

Areesha glanced at Zayan who was already looking at her. He raised her a questioning eyebrow at her.and she understood what he meant. She tilted her head to the side indicating a no. 

She didn't choose Aamir. She didn't have an ounce of repect for him anymore as he was using the contract to force her into this relationship. She didn't know what they were going to do about the contract but Zayan had assured her that it would be taken care of so that was the least of her worries right now.

 She had chosen Fawad only because he was the other available option and not because she had fallen for him or anything. She still wasn't sure about her feelings towards Aamir but she was sure she wasn't crazy for him like before. She had not been love with him for sure. She had been love with the idea about someone caring about you and loving you unconditionally. But he didn't even love her. She was sure that he was using her too as he had made it clear that he loved Shazre. Now when she looked back at her craze for Aamir she felt disgusted with herself. She had even hurt herself for him. He had hurt her more than doing her any good. 

When she had gotten engaged to Aamir she thought she had fallen for him as she loved the idea of love. It was surely not him that she had fallen for. She had fallen for his charms and now she didn't see him as the same person. For heavens sake he had tried to black mail her through the contract. If he had really loved he would have wanted her to enter into this relationship happily not forced.

Zayan motioned her to come outside the room, shaking her out of her thoughts.

She excused herself and went outside.

As soon as she stepped out she was attacked into a hug. Her brother lifted her off her feet and swirled her around.

"I am so happy for you." He squealed like a girl." May Allah grant you all the happiness in the world."

"Ameen and you sound like a girl!"

"Way to ruin the moment!" Areesha rolled her eyes to that. She wasn't going to let go of a ready made opportunity to tease him.

"So shall I tell Fawad? That guy is seriously so worried about you. I called him but his sister picked up and told me that he wasn't eating anything at all. I don't know what you did to the guy you've gotten him so whipped!"

"Yeah you can tell him." It really warmed her heart to know that he cared for her so much.


Her mother didn't refuse Aamir's proposal yet. Fawad's parents came over to ask for her hand from her family formally as it happened in their culture. Maya was with them but Fawad wasn't. All throughout the little meeting Areesha stammered and blushed. She was usually one hella confident girl but she felt very shy around them as she knew what their purpose.

Her mother told them that the various goodies that were served to them were made by her. She snorted at that as she had merely helped her mother around making them and that too after a long lecture of "When I was your age I could do this and that..." She had this lecture too many a times from her. When her father was with them he would always defend her saying she was too young for all that.

Fawads mother and her own mother had clicked like old friends while Zayan and Fawads father were having a discussion on Zayans future plans and what not.

 Fawads father reminded Areesha of her own father in so many ways. The way he addressed her 'beti' (daughter) or the way he had patted her head, everything reminded her of her own father. She wondered how happy he must have been if were here. 

She didn't have time to ponder over her thoughts as Maya had engaged her in a long conversation as to how she would dress up on her wedding. They were only here to meet her for the first time and she had made plans till her wedding.

To her utter surprise, by the end of the meeting the Nikah date had been decided too. They had wanted a simple nikah and then a month later a reception and rukhsati. The date for the nikah had been set in a week's time as auntie had said that she couldn't wait to play with her grand kids.

 Areesha didn't know what to think. Feel nervous or excited. A weeks time was too soon. They had already given her a ring and she was engaged to Fawad. She didn't want a long engagement either but a week only?

"Mama I know you want to get rid of me, but one week only?" Areesha whined to her mother after the guests left.

"You are moving out after a whole month, so stop whining." Zayan said to her. 

"But still! This is too soon."

"You are going to marry him someday so why not in a weeks time?" Zayan tried to reason.

"I am not ready yet."

"Beta at this rate you will never be ready." Mama said to her.

Well that was true. She looked at her mothers happy face and decided that there was no point arguing now.

One week it is.


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All of you wanted him to be Fawad so here it is.

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And Eid Mubarak everyone!

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