Chapter 26

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Continued from the previous chapter....

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Areesha dragged him inside and took out her phone to see the list of things her mother had made for her to buy for the wedding.

They were looking for her wedding dress first. After spending an hour combing through many boutiques they had still made no progress. Some dresses were too revealing and others were to heavy and she didn't know how to carry them.

Together they entered yet another boutique and while Areesha looked for a dress, Fawad just stood on the side typing on his phone.

The sales boy who looked no less than a teen ager guided her around and kept praising every other dress she looked at twice in hopes that she would buy it.

"So what's your name?" She asked the boy in an attempt to strike a conversation.


"So how old are you Shaheer? Don't you go to school or college?"

"I am 17 baji (older sister). I used to go to college but due to financial issues I dropped out and had to start this job to support my family." He said with an air of nostalgia.

"I see. So you really miss school then?"

"Ji (yes)."

"How many siblings do you have?"

"None. I had a little brother who died because of polio." He said sadly.

"Oh. May Allah grant you sabr." Areesha replied with a pang in her heart at the boy's heart breating tone. It was not only her suffering. Everyone had their own story and it was high time she accepted that and stopped pitying herself.

Areesha picked a red dress from the line of hangers. It was the simplest one they had. The front was bordered with embroidery and silver stones with long net sleeves. Areesha told the sales boy, Shaheer, to take it off from the hangers and took the dress to Fawad to ask him what he thought about it.

"How's this?" She asked him.

"Hmm." He hummed without even looking up from his phone. Areesha rolled her eyes at his typical behavior.

She took the dress from the sales guy and went into the trying room to try it on.

After she had donned the dress she examined herself in the full length mirror.

The dress was very pretty. And she didn't look that bad either. She had a very bad inferiority complex ever since Aamir rejected her so that's all she couldn't say anything about herself. It clung to her curves very well and showed off her thin physique. The dupatta would cover that though. But she was still very indecisive.

She should have bought her mother along, she thought. Someone who would give her good advice. She had Fawad but he was way too busy with his phone.

She decided to go out and show it him. She covered herself with the staller she was wearing and peeked outside to see him gazing at the changing room.

Found some time from his phone has he? Areesha snorted at that. She went outside to show it to him feeling insecure as ever.

"Beautiful, baji!" Shaheer said to her with a wink while Areesha smacked his head playfully.

Out of nowhere someone held Shaheer's collar and Areesha looked to find Fawad looking at him with anger burning in his eyes.

"Enough boy! Stay in your limits." Fawad said through gritted teeth.

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