Chapter 40

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Areesha left the room disturbed mind. What was Fawad saying? He said he saw it with his own eyes but she knew her brother. He would never do anything like that. 

She decided to go Maya's room and ask her. She knocked on it but she didn't respond. She twisted the door knob to find the door locked. She knocked a few times again but to no avail.

She needed a peaceful place to think this out and decided what to do next. Her phone was in her room and she wasn't going to go and get it to call Zayan, so that had to wait.

She decided to go to the roof as she always found solace there. She climbed the stairs and when she was about to turn, her ankle twisted badly and she tripped and went rolling down the stairs and fell flat on her stomach. 

She whimpered as she felt a searing pain shoot through her abdomen.

"F-Fawad." She tried to call out but he probably didn't hear her as she howled in agony.

She called out again.

"Areesha!" Someone yelled her name in shock. It was her mother-in-law. Black dots were forming around her vision and her brain was going numb with pain. She was going to lose her baby. Her child. She was going to lose him.

With the thought of losing her baby and her mother-in-law yelling for Fawad, she fainted. Her child was going to die because of her carelessness.  

"Fawad, beta hurry up." Her mother-in-law yelled for her son as she held Areesha's head in her lap and tried to get her to regain consciousness.

Fawad heard his name in his room and rushed out worriedly. What was going on?

"Areesha!" He gasped when he saw her lying there unconscious. He froze there and his mother's voice shook him out of his trance.

"Get the car ready. We need to take her to the hospital." She said with a tone of urgency.

And then it hit him. His child and his wife was in danger. 

He was spurred into movement and he quickly picked Areesha in his arms and carried her outside to the garage. He unlocked the car with trembling hands and laid her inside. 

His mother sat in the car with him as she mumbled prayers frantically under her breath.

With quivering hands and sweat trickling from his forehead, he put the key in the ignition and started the car, reversing it out of their garage. 

With his trembling hands on the steering wheel, he raced the car down the busy road. 

He couldn't process what was happening. He honked at the traffic like a madman. He wiped the sweat beads forming on his head. His heart was thundering in his chest out of fear. The thought of losing his wife or child brought made his eyes fill up and his throat tighten.

He glanced at her while changing the gears and tears formed in his eyes again and he furiously wiped them away. He honked again in frustration when the cars in front of his slowed down. 

Everything happened in a blur. He was amazed that he had even managed to get to the hospital with his absent minded brain. All he had been able to focus on was Areesha. 

He supported her weight between his mother and him as they rushed inside the hospital. The nurses came forward and got her on the stretcher and wheeled her inside. His mother talked to the doctor about her condition while he was still trying process that Areesha was going to leave him.

He watched them take her inside the ICU and the team of doctors disappeared behind the sliding doors.

His wobbly legs couldn't support his weight anymore as he staggered back until his back touched the wall.

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