Chapter 6

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None of you guessed it ha ha. It was hard to though.

Anyway this update is specially to thank all the readers for their incredible support. Thanks everyone!

Plz do keep voting and sending your lovely comments!

"What do you want?" She asked anger shining in her eyes when she opened the door.

"Nothing. I just want to be with my family." He said in a small voice looking down.

"Family? You don't have a family anymore!" She screeched.

He eyed her red eyes and the slight trace of wetness around her lids and instantly knew that something was wrong. 

"Areesha, sweetheart what's wrong? " he asked her gently still standing outside the apartment. 

"Nothing is wrong. Why would anything be wrong? It's not like my father died, then my brother left me, then my mother stopped caring and then the only person I cared asked out left too. Why would anything be wrong?" She said sarcasm dripping her voice. She tried to shut the door on his face but he managed to force himself inside.

"What do you want now?" She asked him in a defeated voice as he shut the door behind them.

"I want to be with you people. I-"

"Remembered us, have you?" She said glared at him.

"Areesha please hear me out?" He seemed unaffected by whatever she said.

"You are not even my real brother!  You are not my blood. So why would you be there when I needed you the most?" She yelled at him with tears dribbling down her cheeks.

"Just shut up will you?" Zayan said angrily. This was the first time he had raised his voice at her. He may not be her brother by blood but her was still her milk brother. Her parents had adopted him as well when Areesha was born. So Areesha's mother had breastfed him. He was actually Areesha's maternal aunts son who had died giving him birth. But Areesha's family loved him like their own. This was the first time Areesha had said something like that to him and he was shocked. She must be hurting too much he thought.

"Oooh! Looks like I have hit a nerve haven't I?" She said with a humorless chuckle.

"I lost my wife during the same time our dad had died." He blurted out.

"What? Wife?" Zayan wasn't even married Areesha thought as his words registered in her mind. "You're not even married." She scoffed.

"My wife. I got married when I was in England. I'll tell you everything, I promise. Let's go inside." She was too shocked to say anything as he took her inside.

He had gone to England to complete study law as per his late mother's wish. Areesha's father had funded for his studies there and he couldn't be more thankful to him. Even though Areesha's mother didn't love him as much as she loved Areesha she still cared for him.

In England, he had found a classmate whom he had instantly liked. Her name was Leya. They had started being friends but then developed feelings for each other. Zayan wanted to keep it halal so he had the Nikah with her. He didn't tell his family because he knew they'd be very disappointed in him as Leya was a non-muslim. He was waiting for the right time but alas it never came.

 Two months into their marriage, Leya was diagnosed with cancer. Zayan was devastated to say the least. Together they were fighting her cancer but as if things weren't bad enough for him already, he got the news that his adoptive father had passed away. They tried to fight it but it was the last stage and his Leya left him forever.He was broken. It took all sorts of therapies for him to get over their untimely deaths. He took Islamic classes and found his way back to his Rabb.

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