1; new arrivals

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new arrivals in the Glade

// okay. I don't know why I started this fic out like this, but I did so....... yeah. I hate myself anfkgmvnc why do people even read this //


After a full day of being in the glade, Thomas figured he could live there without messing anything up that they had built, but he wanted to steer clear of Gally, the kid gave him the creeps. What he didn't realize was that he was so wrong but him screwing with everything would begin with the next arrival of greenie's.


The gladers all sat around a campfire except the few who were scattered about around the others, sitting alone. Thomas and Newt were two of the few scattered. They sat with their backs against a log, Newt explaining to him how the glade worked. They turned to look at a couple kids standing around while one sat.

"Those are the runners. That guy in the middle there," Newt aimed his finger to the kid in the middle who was too busy eating some food to talk the others. "That's Minho. He's keeper of the runners."

Thomas nodded to show he was still listening.

"Every morning when those doors open," he motioned to the big stone walls surrounding the glade, "they run the maze... Mapping it, memorizing it, trying to find a way out."

His eyes went to the maze doors, curiosity winning against all other feelings he felt at that moment. He wanted to know what was inside those walls, what the gladers were so afraid of, why only certain gladers went in and also if there was a way out that the runners missed. But he asked a question Newt would most likely share with him. "How long have they been looking?"

"Three years," Newt stated. Thomas felt his stomach drop. Getting out of the glade would be harder than he thought.

"And they haven't found anything?" He wondered aloud, causing Newt to snort in annoyance, "easier said than done."

Thomas let his eyes wander around, watching the gladers laugh and have a good time as if they weren't even trapped in a place they knew nothing about. At least they could still be happy. If he thought about it, he would realize he hadn't smiled once since coming up in the box. There wasn't much to smile about.

As he was looking around, a noise echoed through the glade that had come from the maze. Thomas cringed as screeching and rattling filled his ears. He half stood, looking around with wide eyes. Newt made some sort of laughing sound, "it's just the maze changing. It changes every night."

Thomas looked at him in disbelief, sitting himself back down, calmer now. "How is that even possible?" He asked.

"You can ask the people who put us in here, if you ever meet the bastards," Newt told him with a shrug. He had stopped questioning it months ago.

"Listen, the truth is... the runners are the only ones who really know what's out there. They are the strongest and the fastest of us all. And it's a good thing, too... because if they don't make it back before those doors close... then they are stuck out there for the night. And no one has ever survived a night in the maze." Newt explained, taking a swig of the drink he had in his hands.

Thomas sucked in air as an attempt to calm his spinning head from all the information he had just been told. He still didn't even know his name so it would take a moment for him to process it all. "What happens to them?" He asked, although his head felt like it was about to explode.

"Well, we call them Grievers. Of course, no one's ever seen one and lived to tell about it." Newt began, his face clouding with sorrow as he remembered the gladers they lost to the grievers. "But they're out there."

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