2; ben and banishing

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banishing Ben


One man in the new group of kids attempted to jump from the box to the ground above him but his body ended up smacking into the side and falling back onto the box's floor.

Laughter came from all the Gladers, except Thomas, while the new group looked at the man in shock and began flexing their fingers or clenching their fists as if expecting something to happen. Some were even girls. When the Gladers noticed that, they all spoke in whispers, getting excited.

Gally looked at Thomas with a slight smirk, "looks like I can't call you Greenie anymore, shank." Thomas rolled his eyes.

The group had finished acting weird to go back to staring at Thomas again until Alby spoke, snapping them from their trance. "Here," he held out a hand for the crooked jawed kid who took it after a minute of reluctance. He was pulled up by Alby and as soon as his feet hit the ground he lunged for Thomas, arms wrapping around him.

Thomas stood in shock, his arms outspread away from his body as this unfamiliar boy hugged him. He didn't move and barely even breathed until the kid let go of him.

By that time, the rest of the group had been pulled from the box and once again their eyes were locked on Thomas.

"It's me," the kid stated, thinking Thomas knew exactly who he was, "Scott." Thomas reached up and scratched the back of his head awkwardly, looking to Newt who had showed up as well. Newt just shook his head to tell him he was alone in this and took a limping step back.

Thomas looked to the Scott kid and stepped back himself. "Look, I don't know you. I don't know who this Stiles is. My name is Thomas. And don't touch me," he spoke loudly, addressing the whole group to keep them from getting even closer to him.

They all looked as if he had just punched them each in the gut except the idiot who had tried jumping from the box, he looked to be in deep thought, his eyes just glaring at Thomas. Thomas decided to mock his glare and threw it right back at him. He flinched a bit.

Thomas turned his back to them and walked over to the bucket and shovel he had previously dropped while running over. "I have to get fertilizer," he stated shortly, tossing an annoyed glance to Newt who just chuckled under his breath causing the new greenies to look at him. Newt sobered up and gave a shrug before turning and walking off along with all the Gladers except Alby.

Alby looked over the group and Scott noticed the way he was standing, the look in his eye and realized this kid must be the leader. "Okay, Green beans, I'm Alby. Let's be quick about this since there's so many of you. Do any of you remember your names?"

And one by one they started naming themselves. "Scott" was the guy with the crooked jaw. "Kira" looked a lot like Minho. "Derek" had been the one who tried to jump from the box. "Liam" was thin like Newt with dirty blonde hair. "Malia" had short brown hair and a tense posture. "Isaac" had curly blonde hair and his arm was wrapped around Malia's waist. "Jordan Parrish, call me Parrish" was also dirty blonde but more brown and stood too close to the "Lydia" with strawberry blonde hair and eyes that followed Thomas' back, worried about him. And "Hayden" with a round face and brown hair. Alby counted the names, surprised they had remembered them so quickly, and almost passed out at how many were sent up at one time. Nine people. What were they planning, the ones who sent them all up here?

Thomas walked through the Glade, swinging the bucket back and forth as he thought about the group that had been sent up. Did they really know him or were they just trying to mess with his mind? Who even were they? Were they a threat to the Gladers? To him? So many questions whirled around in his mind that he couldn't answer as he stepped into the part of the Glade that was surrounded in trees. He was so distracted he didn't even hear someone following him.

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