5; remembrance

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affects of the banshee


"Chuck, what's going on?" Thomas and Minho jogged up to a laughing Chuck. He had his hands on his hips and could barely stop laughing. "Girls are awesome," he stated and lifted his finger at a wooden made little tree house.

When Thomas looked over, he saw a couple pieces of fruit dropping over the side as a female voice yelled, "leave me alone!"

Him, Minho and the two medjacks had just run all the way from a shed in the woods. Minho had been showing Thomas the map that him and his runners mapped out over the years when the medjacks had arrived. They informed the two boys that the girl was awake

Gladers were gathered around, some holding square shaped boards over their heads. "Watch your head! Watch it!" Frypan yelled, him being one who stood in the crowd. Standing beside each other, Gally and Lydia lifted their hands as the fruit fell down beside them.

"Throw one more of those things, I'll—" Gally didn't finish, she had tossed a small wooden carving, and it had slapped him right in the face.

"Go away!" She yelled again as Thomas made his way over. He crouched beside Lydia and Gally as the latter held a hand to his now bruised nose. "What happened?" The one who answered his question first was Newt who had found refuge underneath the square board that looked an awful lot like a gate. "I don't think she likes us very much," he contemplated aloud.

Lydia shook her head, "I tried talking to her when she woke up but she ran and then I found her up there."

As more fruit fell, Thomas spoke up. "Hey, look, we just want to talk!" More fruit was thrown. "I'm warning you!" She screamed as Frypan yelled, "take cover, ya'll! Take cover!" Thomas, Lydia and Gally lifted their arms for cover while Fry lifted a silver pan and held it over his head, Newt and another boy under the wood gate.

Pieces of bread were now being tossed with the fruit and it seemed never ending. Thomas wondered how that much stuff to throw was even up there. "Hey, hey! Woah, It's Thomas! It's Thomas." He called out, the stuff in the sky ceasing and everything went quiet.

They all watched as a head peeked up over the side of the top. Her black hair surrounded her face and hung down high above them. Thomas lifted three fingers as a little wave, "Okay, I'm gonna come up. Okay?" Her head just reeled back over the top and disappeared. Thomas spoke breathlessly, "Okay..." He looked over at Lydia who gave him a squeeze on the arm and a nod as if saying be careful.

"Just me," he told Gally after he had made a move to follow. The boy gave him a look of disbelief before Thomas turned to the ladder and grasped a hand hold.

"Okay, I'm coming up," he called out before making his way to the top.

Thomas lifted the door to the top of the tree house type place and popped his head up through, then half his body. He saw the girl sitting a few feet away from him with a machete in her hand. "Woah, woah, woah." He lifted his own hand to show he had no weapon. "Okay, just a- Easy, alright?"

The girl looked at him warily, "Where am I? What is this place? Why can't I remember anything?" She asked as Thomas pulled himself up the rest of the way and kneeled. "This is all normal... We've all been through this," Thomas informed her, moving his hand around to motion to the Gladers on the ground.

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