Actually Reality Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 (Scarlettes POV)

My mum used to always tell me that I should never open my mouth too wide, or else a fly would get caught in it. That's exactly what I'm doing precisely at this moment.

Apparently, Jakey talked to our long lost Uncle S, about me prerequisite help. Uncle S, isn't exactly long lost or anything. Its just the fact that I don't really much like him. He's my fathers twin, so they look exactly alike. Same grey-black hair and chocolate eyes. Same scars, wrinkles, and every other detail is just tantamount, meaning same. It just terrifies me because it looks like I'm looking at daddy again and I just can't bring myself to look at him. Ever.  Even Uncle S doesn't know about my parents disappearance, and that's saying a lot.

Him and my dad were very close, even closer then Jakey and I, and where inseparable. It still remains a mystery as to why mum and dad actually left.

Only I know the real reason, and I don't plan on bringing back my useless forsaken past.  I don't plan on breaking my sensitive brother. He means too much to me, and I can't bring myself to do so. It doesn't matter anyways. its not like mum and daddy are gonna magically appear at our doorstep and scream "I'm home!," and give us hugs and kisses. Hell, I'm better off without seeing them for the rest of my entity. They shattered us, breaking us in to a million un-fixable pieces. It took ages to regain our strength and to get back on our feet.

I'm never letting that happen again. Not to me. To Jakey. To Kevin. 

Anyways, I'm getting off topic here. The reason why I kept my mouth unimpeded for the past 5 minutes was because I have a week left before I need to get going on tour, because that's what Uncle S calls it.  That's just crazy! I can't leave so soon! I need to stay at home and study for my opening exams.

Yes they have opening exams. That's pretty surprising considering the fact that Warn is only interested in our personal lives. Nosy prick.

A little part of me is anxious and partly petrified. I've never ever been so far from home, and leaving just sounds so.. so foreran. I'm going to be leaving for the first time ever to some unknown place. I've been on vacation before, away from Mill Valley, but I've always gone with friends or my brothers; never alone.

That's just eccentric and far-out. I don't want to leave Jakey, and go around the world with a whole bunch of strangers. being around Uncle S is going to be awkward enough considering the fact that I never really talk to him and I wont have Jakey with me. I just don't think I'm ready.

"Sis? You ok?" Jakey asks me worriedly. He stopped doing this grasshopper dance, and I'm glad I don't have to see that again. 

"Ya I'm fine," I silently state, not once looking in his eyes. That's how Jakey knows I'm lying. I can never look someone in the eyes and lie to them. It just feels so wrong and astray.

Jakey snorts, a very pig like sound. "Ya right, sis your a terrible liar, you may as well not even try," he spiels.

"I'm just... Jakey I'm scared. I've never been alone with strangers before." I nervously bite my trembling bottom lip.

"You've been in the grocery store before right? By yourself?" Jakey questions.

I slowly nod, now totally and utterly confused.

"Well, there you go! I bet you didn't know half the people at the store, thus the stranger part. And you were alone," Jakey looks proud at his cleaver remark. I would usually laugh but just not in the situation I'm in right now.

It just doesn't feel right.

I roll my eyes, clearly in no mood for a snazzy joke. "Ya, but for four months? I don't know these people. Its different at the store. I might not ever see half the people ever again, whereas with Uncle S and the teens,  I'll see them every day. If I screw up somehow, their all going to hate me, and I don't know how I'm going to live with that," I say, my words jumbling up together, and my arms flapping around in the air. It really helps add to the dramatic affect-

Not now Scarlette! Stay focused. 

Aye aye, mon capitan. 

" No ones going to hate you Scarlette. Your a very brave and tough girl. Your really sweet and awfully witty. I doubt your gonna mess up some how. In what way are you even going to mess up? Just stay true to yourself, be yourself and your going to be fine." Jakey sounds so sure, even I start to believe him. I feel a bit more surpassed, thanks to him.

"I  still don't wanna leave you," I suddenly say.

"I promise I'll call you everyday shortcake. We can even face time. Plus, I'll make sure to visit you every now and then, just to make sure your doing ok. Also cuz I know your gonna miss me lots," Jakey smirks.

I laugh, and feel a smile forming on my lips.

Jakey my stupid weirdo brother.

"We still have a week so will spend our time together, and you should also hang out with your friends you know?  Cuz your not gonna see those losers for a long time," Jakey replies

"Jakey! Their not losers, their cool," I lightly slap his arm, making him chuckle.

"Where going to have to go shopping, cuz I'm gonna need some new outfits-" I mumble.

"Oh no. You can take Trevor with you. I'd rather not. I got my own girlfriend to shop with and that's tiresome enough" Jakey replies rather quickly.

I laugh at his adorably stupid expression.


I nod. I'd love to spend some extra time with my boyfriend. Plus, he's going to need to know that I'm going away for a bit. Not just him, but all of my other friends.

I yawn, suddenly feeling insanely exhausted.

"Alright Scarlette, I think we should call it a night. Its almost 5 in the morning, and we need an early start tomorrow."

I nod, once again feeling like a miniature bobble-head toy.

"Kay, night teeny tiny, don't let the bed bugs bite," I tease.

"Haha very funny. I'll see you later"

He gives me a quick side hug and walks to his room, ready to fall into hibernation.

What a day. Today turned out to be okay after all.

The last thing I think of is cherry flavoured donuts and fried chicken before dozing off. 

Aww is anyone else jealous of Scarlette's and Jakey's close relationship? I seriously think Jakey is just UGGHH SO CUTE!  Also if you guys are confused as the why Scarlette's afraid of leaving, it has something to do with her past. The reason being will not be told until later. Also I'm sorry if the start of this story is a little slow. I just want you guys to get to know Scareltte's life style a little better and her. I may add Jakeys POV later on. Your going to meet Trevor next chapter!!And who do you think Uncle S is? And what do you think the "tour" exactly is? LEAVE YOUR PREDICTIONS IN THE COMMENT SECTION!! You will find out very VERY soon but sometimes predictions help you get more involved in the book you know? ANYWAYS.........


                                                                                                           XOXOXO - Rosie <3

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