Actually Reality chapter 3

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Chapter 3 (Scarlette's POV)

"Sis.. sis.. hey Scarlette? Sis.. hey.. hey shortcake?"

"WHAT?" I scream. Jakey lowly snickers. Really? Is this some kind of joke?

"You have to get up Scarlette its almost 11," Jakey replies. I can literally see the sly smirk plastered across his face.

"No, shut up and leave me alone," I groan. I'm not a morning person. I really need to get some more sleep because if I don't, I'll be a grump for the remainder of the day, and I don't want that to happen.

Abruptly, I feel my warm fuzzy blanket being ripped off of my body, leaving me cold and annoyed.

"Scarlette Dylan Caravas! Get the hell up! I've been trying to wake you up for the past hour! If you don't get your ass up now, I'm gonna drench you with ice cold water. Your decision," Jake threatens.

Ugh its to early for this shit. I even called him Jake instead of Jakey. Now that, is a major indication that I'm really not in the mood.

"Fine, fine! I'm up, Jesus," I grumble.

"That a girl," Jakey replies all to cheerily.  I stumble out of bed and Jakey pats my head like I'm some dog.  I scowl and swat his giant hand away from my muddled hair.

Jakey chuckles and goes to the kitchen to make breakfast. I walk into the bathroom, and lock the door. I turn on the shower and sit on the toilet, watching the steaming hot water pound against the white tub. I strip off of my clothing, and  slowly step in, immediately relaxing. I shut my eyes, allowing the water to go around my body and disinfect me. I allow my eyes to re-open, and grab my vanilla scented shampoo and clean out my hair. I then use my lily flowered scented body wash and rub it on myself. I allow the water to wash it off, leaving the sweet aroma sustaining against my body.  I decide to change the shower setting, not liking the droplets anymore. I change it so there's a power blast of water pounding against my back.

Perfect. I absolutely love Jakeys shower.

I know. I bet your all wondering why I'm at Jakeys kick-ass masion instead of my condo sweet. Every month for about 1 week, I have this nightmare. Sometimes it's about the fire that happened 10 years ago, when I was seven. Other times, its about my childhood. When I used to get bullied and scornfully beaten by the other kids. They were gangs, the only difference is the age. It was around elementary when that happened. They used to call me names, and make fun of my eyes. They used to say things like I was worthless and that's why mum and daddy left.

Yup. They all knew that mum and daddy left, just not the real reason. Word got around when my ex best friend Amanda decided to run off her big fat mouth.  At around the end of 6th grade, I decided I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't like feeling venerable and helpless. So I told the one person I know would help me.

Trisha. Trisha is an angel from heaven. I don't feel like explaining the events that occured, but when Kevin, Jakey, and I were homeless, Trisha came to the rescue. She helped in a way no one's ever had, and I'm forever grateful for her. 

Anyway I told Jakey and Trisha about what happened to me at school. 

And to say he was furious is an understatement. Jakey was infuriated and exacerbated. I clearly remembered the look on his face to this day. He had blotches of red smudged on this skin, his ears tinted pink. His knuckles were squeezed together and his eyes had this.... this look. I don't exactly know what he was thinking. All I knew what that he was angry and according to the look in his eyes, he was recalling something. An unwanted memory of his past I assume. I never asked him about what he was thinking of, because I know that if I was in his position, I wouldn't want to talk about it. But that didn't stop me from being curious. Anyways, we moved from Saskatchewan to Mill Valley. I started Junior High, and I realized that I needed a fresh start. I also realized that I  never wanted anyone to go through what I had to go through. So, I made a shit load of friends, hung out a lot and played many, many sports. I wanted to be popular. The good kind. I didn't want it to be some cliché shit where the popular girl had to be insolent and all out bitchy. I wanted to be popular but stay true to myself. I wanted the position so that everyone would be happy, and no one would have to go through bullying. At least at school. And it worked. Even to this day, I still remain the most popular, and that's absolutely incredible because everyone at my high school got along perfectly. I just hope the new popular's are kind hearted and not cliché. I'm fully aware that college is going to be nothing like high school, but a girl can dream right?

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