Actually Reality Chapter 7

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Scarlette's POV

It's a quiet morning. I don't wake up from my brothers screaming or Adam's horrible singing at 6 am. No, I wake up peacefully at 10 o'clock and I'm still alive. 

I know, I know, I shouldn't judge the guys too harshly, but it's kind of hard not to. Especially because of the impressions they've left me of themselves upon me is horrendous. But, for some odd, reason, I find it fake. I really do believe there is some good within them, apart from the cold exterior they showcase. 

I stretch out my arms and stare up at the rough ceiling. I faintly smile, recalling all of the events that have happened the previous day. I helped out a poor vegetable in need, and stood up for myself. Not to mention the amazing speech I decided on giving about living vegetables. I feel like the boys are really going to be testing my patience, for the upcoming 4 months, but I'm ready for it. If it means smack-talking the delinquents, I'm ok with it, especially if it involves the man whore. I scrunch my nose up in disgust. I get that he's hot and has an amazingly good looking body, but that still doesn't justify what he does with women. Just by the way he looked at me, I could tell that he was a heart-breaker. I could tell that the mystery man played with peoples emotions, and enjoyed it.

Do people play with other peoples emotions because they find it entertaining? Or do they just do it because its a way to forget about a painful event? Whatever it is, I'm not going to allow myself to fall for it. I'm going to stay away from any personal attachments, because I'm only going to be heartbroken in the end. I would like to make some friends though. Maybe with the man whore-

Enough of this Scarlette! Do you want to be played with? Didn't think so dumbass now get up!

I clap my hands together, before jumping off of the bed, almost knocking the lamp down with me. I throttle towards the washroom, and take a long steamy bath. Once I'm out, I decide on wearing high wasted shorts, and a shirt that has the words " Eat a lot sleep a lot" in bold lettering covering the front. Because I'm wearing such a simple outfit, I decide to keep my make-up nuteral-ish. I apply light eye liner, some mascara, and pink tinted lip-stick. I keep my hair messy and pull it into a messy bun, before grabbing my black vans, and heading out the door. 


"Motherfucker! Hurry the hell up and get me my painkiller Daniel!" 

I roll my eyes and snicker while watching Jace cry out in pain about his headache. Jace is the mysterious man's name. He's only a year older then me, making him 18 years of age.  I can't believe I'm saying this but he looks absolutely adorable in his crouching position on the sofa, with his eyes screwed shut. What surprised me the most was how he had an adorable warn out stuffed rabbit, sitting on his lap. 

"I am, calm your tits," Daniel snaps. 

I laugh at his reaction. I love people who speak their minds. They are usually super cool and friendly. 

Jace looks at me with an annoyed expression, which made me laugh harder. 

"What's so funny?" Do you like seeing an innocent man in pain?" He pulls his bottom lip out and pouts, and I clutch my stomach before doubling over. 

"You.. I.. didn't.. even know.. you could joke around! Your always so serious and ugh. Is your whole family like that? Never mind that I just think it's different is all," I state with a goofy grin. I've finally stopped laughing. Thank the lord, because I know that if I didn't, I'd probably pee myself. 

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